BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4404alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20241006T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20241006T235900 URL: y-tournament LOCATION:Unit 2\, Fleetsbridge Business Centre\, Upton Rd\, Poole BH17 7AF\ , UK SUMMARY:Startup @ Entoyment. Community Tournament. CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Startup @ Entoyment. Community Tournament.\nWe are hosting a co mmunity tournament using the Startup format (System Gateway\, System Updat e 21\, Liberation Cycle).\nWhen? Sunday 6th October. 10:00 – 16:00\nWhe re? Entoyment Wargaming and Hobby Centre. Poole BH17 7AF.\nEntry: £5 Cli ck here (please put ABR name in order instructions)\nRegistration: 10:00\n Round 1 starts: 10:30\nFormat: To be decided. Number of rounds will be det ermined based on attendance.\nAlthough this is a tournament\, we expect an d encourage a range of players both new and experienced to the game and th e focus of the day is community building\, playing netrunner and having fu n!\nPlease note we will be using the new 24.09 start up balance update / b an list:\nThe venue will remain open until 18:00 and those attending the t ournament are welcome to use the space for open gaming.\nPrizing structure to be confirmed:\nPrizes will be awarded for participation and from the 2 024 Q2 GNK.\nAdditional prize support may be added based on numbers.\nFB e vent link\nPlease message me (Chiparwen) through the GLC or UK Netrunner d iscord if you have any questions.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Startup @ Entoyment. Community Tournament.< /p>\n
We are hosting a community tournament using the Startup format (Sy stem Gateway\, System Update 21\, Liberation Cycle).
\nWhen? Sunday 6th October. 10:00 – 16:00\nWhere? En toyment Wargaming and Hobby Centre. Poole BH17 7AF.\nEntry: £5 Click here (please put ABR name in order instructi ons)\nRegistration: 10:00\nRound 1 starts: 10:30\nFormat: To be decided. Number of rounds will be determined based on attendance.
\nAlthough this is a tournament\, w e expect and encourage a range of players both new and experienced to the game and the focus of the day is community building\, playing netrunner an d having fun!
\nPlease note we will be using the new 24.09 start up ba lance update / ban list:
\nThe venue will remain open until 18:0 0 and those attending the tournament are welcome to use the space for open gaming.
\nPrizing structure to be confirmed:\nPriz es will be awarded for participation and from the 2024 Q2 GNK.\nAdditional prize support may be added based on numbers.
\n\nPlease message me (Chiparwen) through the GLC or UK Netrunner dis cord if you have any questions.