BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4399alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Singapore:20241109T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Asia/Singapore:20241110T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Singapore Nationals 2024 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:UPDATE: We have a new location! SG Nats will now be held at The Alternative RPG Club\, located at Science Park 1 - 2 minutes' walk from K ent Ridge MRT! This means that we will be proceeding as planned with the o riginal 10am start time.\nDirections to the venue:\n\nTake the MRT to Kent Ridge Station. Exit via Exit B.\nHeading out the escalator\, walk straigh t along South Buona Vista Rd.\nCross at Science Park Dr and head into the row of shops in The Ascent.\nThe Alternative RPG Club (#01-16) should be o n your right!\n\nThe FIRST AND LAST meatspace National Championship of the NSG era in the SEA region!\nAs the year winds down\, come join us in Sing apore as we celebrate the revival of meatspace SEA Netrunner!\nThe event w ill be a two day affair: on Saturday 9th Nov we will be having 7 rounds of Single-Sided Swiss\, followed by a Top 8 double elimination cut on Sunday 10th Nov.\nWe may also be running side events on day 2\, subject to popul ar demand\; stay tuned for more details!\nTicketing and Prizes\nTickets wi ll be priced at S$18\; I will post a buy link at a later date.. Do contact me on Discord to reserve tickets if you're interested in attending!\nYou can expect a variety of special alt arts (TBA)\, in additional to the regu lar Nats kit prizes. I also have a large back catalog of various alts and tokens\, which I will be opening up for additional prize support!\nMore In fo\nBear in mind that our location has been changed from Ci Yuan Community Club\; do update yourself on the new location (Ascent Science Park\, 2 Sc ience Park Drive #01-16) and take that into account when planning your acc ommodations and transport. Shoutout to CYCC and SOG for being so understan ding about changing on such short notice!\nIf anyone is on the fence about attending SG Nats\, I would urge you to show up nonetheless - do DM me if you have any questions about local accomodations or similar. We hope to s ee you in November!\nAs a Competitive-tier event\, players are expected to provide written decklists\, have the courtesy to perform basic board main tenance\, and have their decks appropriately sleeved. Judges reserve the r ight to reject any alt arts they deem unsuitable for play. If you have any unofficial alt arts you wish to use in your deck\, do present them to a j udge during deck registration. Players are responsible for replacing any c ards deemed unsuitable for play.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

UPDATE: We have a new loca tion! SG Nats will now be held at The Alternative RPG Club\, located at Sc ience Park 1 - 2 minutes' walk from Kent Ridge MRT! This means that we wil l be proceeding as planned with the original 10am start time.


Dire ctions to the venue:

  1. Take the MRT to Kent Ridge Station. Ex it via Exit B.
  2. \n
  3. Heading out the escalator\, walk straight along S outh Buona Vista Rd.
  4. \n
  5. Cross at Science Park Dr and head into the row of shops in The Ascent.
  6. \n
  7. The Alternative RPG Club (#01-16) sh ould be on your right!
  8. \n

The FIRST AND LAST meatspace National Championship of the NSG era in the SEA region!


As the year winds down\, come join us in Singapore as we celebrate the re vival of meatspace SEA Netrunner!


The event will be a two day affa ir: on Saturday 9th Nov we will be having 7 rounds of Single-Sided Swiss\, followed by a Top 8 double elimination cut on Sunday 10th Nov.


We may also be running side events on day 2\, subject to popular demand\; st ay tuned for more details!


Ticketing and Prizes


Tickets will be priced at S$18\; I will post a buy link at a later date.. Do conta ct me on Discord to reserve tickets if you're interested in attending!


You can expect a variety of special alt arts (TBA)\, in additional to the regular Nats kit prizes. I also have a large back catalog of various alts and tokens\, which I will be opening up for additional prize support!


More Info


Bear in mind that our location has been chang ed from Ci Yuan Community Club\; do update yourself on the new location (Ascent Science Park\, 2 Science Park Drive #01-16) and tak e that into account when planning your accommodations and transport. Shout out to CYCC and SOG for being so understanding about changing on such shor t notice!


If anyone is on the fence about attending SG Nats\, I wo uld urge you to show up nonetheless - do DM me if you have any questions a bout local accomodations or similar. We hope to see you in November!


As a Competitive-tier event\, players are expected to provide written d ecklists\, have the courtesy to perform basic board maintenance\, and have their decks appropriately sleeved. Judges reserve the right to reject any alt arts they deem unsuitable for play. If you have any unofficial alt ar ts you wish to use in your deck\, do present them to a judge during deck r egistration. Players are responsible for replacing any cards deemed unsuit able for play.