BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4383alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20240831T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20240831T235900 URL: rcuit-opener LOCATION:1797 Shattuck Ave. Ste A\, Berkeley\, CA 94709\, USA SUMMARY:Labor Day Victory Point Circuit Opener CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:🚨CALLING ALL BAY AREA NETRUNNERS🚨\nIt's once again time t o head to the point of victory (Victory Point Cafe) to make it a point to claim victory in the latest VPC CO! What better way to send off the summer competitive season with one more shot at snagging a Circuit Breaker Invit e? And even if you already have one\, worlds will be less than two months away -- come on up and give those secret brews a spin. Let's show the worl d that SF means business 💪\nLike previous VPC Saturday events\, this wi ll be a single-day tournament with six-rounds of single-sided-swiss. If at tendance is 16 or more we will do a single-elim top four cut. Event regist ration will begin at 10:30am with the first round at 11:00 and a brief lun ch break after round 2. Tournament entry will be $15\, payable in advance through VPC's website or at the counter for same-day walk-ins.\nLet's slin g some cards 😎\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
\nIt's once again time to head to the point of victory (Victory Point C afe) to make it a point to claim victory in the latest VPC CO! What better way to send off the summer competitive season with one more shot at snagg ing a Circuit Breaker Invite? And even if you already have one\, worlds wi ll be less than two months away -- come on up and give those secret brews a spin. Let's show the world that SF means business 💪
\nLike prev ious VPC Saturday events\, this will be a single-day tour nament with six-rounds of single-sided-swiss. If attendan ce is 16 or more we will do a single-elim top four cut. E vent registration will begin at 10:30am with the first ro und at 11:00 and a brief lunch break after round 2. Tournament entry will be $15\, payable in adv ance through VPC's web site or at the counter for same-day walk-ins.
\nLet's sling some cards 😎