BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4371alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20240803T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20240803T235900 URL: LOCATION:10800 W Alameda Ave\, Lakewood\, CO 80226\, USA SUMMARY:Startup++ GNK @ Elysium CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Casual Startup++ tournament. This is a custom community format\ , and a great entry point for newer players. The format is identical to St artup\, while also including all cards from Borealis:\n\nSystem Gateway + System Update\nBorealis (Midnight Sun + Parhelion)\nLiberation (The Automa ta Initiative + Rebellion Without Rehearsal)\n\nUnlike normal Startup\, th is format uses the same ban list as Standard\, meaning the following cards are banned:\n\n\nCorp:\n\nArchived Memories\nDr. Vientiane Keeling\nDrago Ivanov\nNanisivik Grid\nTributary\n\n\n\nRunner:\n\nEndurance\n\n\n\nRegi stration starts @ 10:30a\, hard start @ 11a (but please get in touch if yo u're running late). Entry fee is $5\; all participants will receive a door prize\, and a pick from the community prize pool. Format is six-round sin gle-sided Swiss\, with a break for lunch\; we will likely wrap up around 4 :30p - 5p.\nThe community is active on the Discord\, come say hi! https://\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Casual Startup++ tournamen t. This is a custom community format\, and a great entry point for newer p layers. The format is identical to Startup\, while also including all card s from Borealis:
\nUnlike normal Startu p\, this format uses the same ban list as Standard\, meaning the following cards are banned:
\nRegistration starts @ 10:30a\, hard start @ 11a (but please get in touch if you're running late). Entry fee is $5\; all participants will receive a door prize\, and a pick from the community prize pool. Format i s six-round single-sided Swiss\, with a break for lunch\; we will likely w rap up around 4:30p - 5p.
\nThe community is active on the Discord\, come say hi!