BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4368alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20240803T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20240803T235900 URL: LOCATION:Diestsesteenweg 63\, 3010 Leuven\, Belgium SUMMARY:Ampere vs Nova GNK Leuven CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:important: Make sure to be at the right store: Demo-Spel Kessel -Lo near the train station (not Demo-Spel Leuven at St-Jacobsplein). We fo resee only a small break for food\, ideally you have already eaten lunch o r can pick something up at the train station.\nAmpere vs Nova GNK\nCasual GNK\, identities played must be Ampere/Nova in the standard format! We are also saying goodbye to roeiboot4\, which is leaving us for far away lands to study the stars.\nRegistration starts at 12h00\, entry is 3€ to cove r kit costs. Tournament will be held at Demo-Spel Kessel-Lo.\nPracticals\n Entry: 3€\nWhen: Saturday August 3. Registration starts at 12h00.\nWhere : Demo-Spel Kessel-Lo\, Diestsesteenweg 63\, Leuven\nFormat: Standard\, mu st play Ampere/Nova\nRounds: Will do some casual rounds of single-sided sw iss\, no top cut\nDecklists: Not needed\nPrize Structure: see below\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
important: Make sure to be at the right store: Demo-Spel Kessel-Lo near the train station (n ot Demo-Spel Leuven at St-Jacobsplein). We foresee only a small b reak for food\, ideally you have already eaten lunch or can pick something up at the train station.
\nCasual GNK\ , identities played must be Ampere/Nova in the standard format! We are als o saying goodbye to roeiboot4\, which is leaving us for far away lands to study the stars.
\nRegistration starts at 12h00\, entry is 3€ to c over kit costs. Tournament will be held at Demo-Spel Kessel-Lo.
\nEntry: 3€\nWhen: Sa turday August 3. Registration starts at 12h00.\nWhere: De mo-Spel Kessel-Lo\, Diestsesteenweg 63\, Leuven\nFormat: Standard\, must play Ampere/Nova\nRounds: Will do some ca sual rounds of single-sided swiss\, no top cut\nDecklists: Not needed\nPrize Structure: see below