BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4361alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Brisbane:20240721T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Australia/Brisbane:20240721T235900 URL: als-startup-side-event LOCATION:317/325 George St\, Brisbane City QLD 4000\, Australia SUMMARY:Australian Northern Nationals STARTUP Side Event CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:This is the Startup side event which will be held on day 2 of A ustralian Northern Nationals.\nTicketing\nIf you have already purchased a ticket for the main event your entry to this event is FREE.\nIf you did no t buy a ticket for the main event\, you can purchase a ticket to this side event for $15 cash at the venue.\nLate arrivals can join but will be requ ired to pay full price no matter what time they arrive.\nSchedule\nSunday\ nStandard format\, Single-Sided Swiss\, 40 minute rounds. Number of rounds dependent on number of attendees\, likely 5-6. Casual-tier event rules ap ply - decklists are NOT required. Alt-art cards must follow the rules outl ined in the NSG Organised Play Policies document (this is my choice as the organiser to reduce the number of potential judge calls while the main ev ent's finals are happening). All cards must be in opaque sleeves.\nVenue\n The George Williams Hotel is a 5 minute walk from Brisbane City's Queen St reet Mall\, and less than 10 minutes' walk from the Roma St and Central tr ain stations. It is wheelchair accessible.\nFood and drink are permitted i nside the venue\, and there are many options for meals within walking dist ance of the venue.\nPlease note that participants under the age of 18 are welcome but must be accompanied by a responsible adult.\nhttps://www.georg\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

This is the Startup side event which will b e held on day 2 of Australian Northern Nationals.



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If you have already purchased a ticket for the main event your entry to this event is FREE.


I f you did not buy a ticket for the main event\, you can purchase a ticket to this side event for $15 cash at the venue.


Late arriva ls can join but will be required to pay full price no matter what time the y arrive.






Standard format\, Si ngle-Sided Swiss\, 40 minute rounds. Number of rounds dependent on number of attendees\, likely 5-6. Casual-tier event rules apply - decklists are N OT required. Alt-art cards must follow the rules outlined in the NSG Organ ised Play Policies document (this is my choice as the organiser to reduce the number of potential judge calls while the main event's finals are happ ening). All cards must be in opaque sleeves.




The G eorge Williams Hotel is a 5 minute walk from Brisbane City's Queen Street Mall\, and less than 10 minutes' walk from the Roma St and Central train s tations. It is wheelchair accessible.


Food and drink are permitted inside the venue\, and there are many options for meals within walking di stance of the venue.


Please note that participants under t he age of 18 are welcome but must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
