BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4356alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20240721T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20240721T235900 URL: 4 LOCATION:1\, Weavers Court\, Linfield Rd\, Belfast BT12 5GH\, UK SUMMARY:Belfast Circuit Opener 2024 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Time for some Netrunner!\nKindly hosted by the very fitting hac kerspace Farset Labs\, Join us for some action packed\, prize filled runs in Belfast City Center.\nCircuit Opener registration at 12:00. Games kicki ng off at 12:30.\nPrize's mainly created within Farset Labs makerspace - i f you'd like to learn\, happy to show off the space after the tournament.\ n£8 suggested donation to the Farset Labs registered Charity - QR paypal links with giftaid shown on the day (or a cash donation).\nTuck shop withi n the space accepts PayPal donations.\nSingle Sided Swiss - Standard Forma t - May 2024 Standard Ban List\n\n2024 CO H1 Kit kindly donated by anarcho mushroom\nSome prizes kindly donated by Alex Wilde\nSupport and some Netru nner mech from easterncalculus\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Time for some Netrunner!


Kindly hos ted by the very fitting hackerspace Farset Labs\, Join us for some action packed\, prize filled runs in Belfast City Center.


Circuit Opener registration at 12:00. Games kicking off at 12:30.


Prize's mainly created within Farset Labs makerspace - if you'd like to learn\, happy to show off the space after the tournament.


£8 suggested donation to the Farset Labs registered Charity - QR paypal links with giftaid shown o n the day (or a cash donation).


Tuck shop within the space accepts PayPal donations.


Single Sided Swiss - Standard Format - May 2024 Standard Ban List


2024 CO H1 Kit kindly donated by anarchomushroom\nSome prizes kindly donated by Alex Wilde\nSupport and som e Netrunner mech from easterncalculus
