BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4355alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20240824T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20240825T235900 URL: LOCATION:372 Saint-Catherine St W #216\, Montreal\, QC H3B 1A4\, Canada SUMMARY:NANPC Montréal CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Greetings Runners and Corporations! Come spend an exciting week end at the Silver Goblin\, and compete in the penultimate stop of the 2024 North American Netrunner Players Circuit!\nThe main event's Swiss rounds will be held on August 24th (the event will be played in the Standard form at\, and in Single Sided Swiss). The number of rounds and the size of the top cut will be based on attendance.\nThe following day\, August 25th\, wi ll hold the main event's top cut alongside a Throwback side-tournamet for any players who did not make the top cut.\nWhile this is a competitive eve nt\, newer players are very welcome!\nIf you're looking for more informati on\, I have recorded a primer video\, going through all the details.\nFor some important locations and food recommendations\, check out the NANPC Mo ntréal Map!\nTickets\nEntry fee is $40 for the two days. Tickets are be a vailable on Silver Goblin's website.\nSchedule\nSaturday August 24th - Sta ndard Swiss Rounds:\n\n10:00AM – Registration Opens\n10:45 AM – Regist ration Closes\, Player Meeting Begins\n11:00 AM – 7:00 PM – Standard S wiss Rounds\nThere will be a lunch break between rounds 3 and 4\, at appro ximately 1:45 - 2:45.\n\nSunday\, August 25th – Throwback Side Event and Standard Top Cut:\n\n10:00 AM – Registration Opens for Throwback Side E vent\n11:00 AM – Registration Closes\, Throwback Player Meeting Begins\n 11:30 AM – Standard Top Cut Begins\n11:30 AM – 5:00 PM – Standard To p Cut Rounds\n11:00 AM – 5:00 PM – Throwback Swiss Rounds\n\nStandard Event\nDay 1 will hold the main Standard format event\, run in Single-Side d Swiss. We are tentatively planning to run between 7 and 8 rounds of Sing le-Sided Swiss on Saturday. The top 8 players will be invited back to play a Double Elimination Top Cut on Day 2.\nThrowback Event\nOn Day 2\, or th ose who are not participating in the Top Cut\, we will be running a separa te Swiss tournament in the Throwback format. The Throwback format is ident ical to the Standard format\, however each player may include a single pla yset of a card that has since rotated out of the Standard format OR use an identity that has since rotated out of the Standard format\, in each of t heir two decks. However\, a card that was banned at the time of its rotati on can not be chosen as your 'Throwback splash card'. Here is the full ban list:\nCorp\n\n24/7 News Cycle\nBryan Stinson\nCerebral Imaging\nClone Su ffrage Movement\nEstelle Moon\nFriends in High Places\nGovernment Takeover \nJinteki: Potential Unleashed\nMumbad City Hall\nMuseum Of History\nPreem ptive Action\nSensie Actors Union\nTitan Transnational: Investing in Your Future\nViolet Level Clearance\nZealous Judge\n\nRunner\n\nAaron Marrón\n DDOS\nDorm Computer\nFilm Critic\nGang Sign\nGPI Net Tap\nŞifr\nTemujin C ontract\n\nPrizes\nWe'll have some fantastic stuff to win and raffle over the weekend:\n\nA Boosted 2024 CO H2 Kit\nA Boosted 2024 Q2 Game Night Kit \nNANPC Exclusive Fermenter Alt Art by Scott Uminga\nNANPC Acrylic Dice\nC rochet Plushy Falcons\, Slime Molds\, and Frogs\n2023 Canadian Nationals M ontréal Self-Modifying Code Alt Art by Cat Shen\nMontréal Rosette Power Counters\nA Handmade Walnut and Birch Deck Box for our Champion\nA Tim Hor ton's Gift Card for an International Friend!\nand more!\n\nFor more inform ation about the North American Netrunner Player’s Circuit\, please check out our website!\nAs a reminder\, proxies are allowed at all levels of Ne trunner organized play. Check out Null Signal's Organized Play Policies.\n If you'd like to get involved in the Montreal Netrunner community\, join u s on Discord. We have an active online community\, and we'd love to have y ou!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Greetings Runners and Corporations! Come sp end an exciting weekend at the Silver Goblin\, and compete in the penultim ate stop of the 2024 North American Netrunner Players Circuit!


The main event's Swiss rounds will be held on August 24th (the event will be played in the Standard format\, and in Single Sided Swiss). The number of rounds and the size of the top cut will be based on attendance.


Th e following day\, August 25th\, will hold the main event's top cut alongsi de a Throwback side-tournamet for any players who did not make the top cut .


While this is a competitive event\, newer players are ve ry welcome!


If you're looking for more information\, I ha ve recorded a primer video \, going through all the details.


For some important locations and food recommendations\, check out the NANPC Montréal Ma p!




Entry fee is $40 for the two days. Ticket s are be available on Silve r Goblin's website.




Saturday August 24th - Standard Swiss Rounds:


Sun day\, August 25th – Throwback Side Event and Standard Top Cut:


Standard Event


Day 1 will hold the main Standard format event\, run in Single-Sided Swiss. We are tentatively plan ning to run between 7 and 8 rounds of Single-Sided Swiss on Saturday. The top 8 players will be invited back to play a Double Elimination Top Cut on Day 2.


Throwback Event


On Day 2\, or those who are not participating in the Top Cut\, we will be running a separate Swiss tournam ent in the Throwback format. The Throwback format is identical to the Stan dard format\, however each player may include a single playset of a card that has since rotated out of the Standard format OR use an identity that has since rotated out of the Standard format\, in each of their two decks. Howeve r\, a card that was banned at the time of its rotation can not be chosen as your 'Throwback splash card'. Here is the full ban list :







We'll have some fantastic stuff to win and raffle over the weekend:

\n \n

For more information about the North American Netrunner Player’s Circuit\, please check out our website !


As a reminder\, proxies are allowed at all levels of Netrunn er organized play. Check out Null Signal's Organized Play Policies.


If you'd like to get i nvolved in the Montreal Netrunner community\, join us on Discord. We have an active online community\, and we'd love to have you!