BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4335alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20240625T090000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20240806T235900 URL: scadia-prep LOCATION:656 NW 85th St\, Seattle\, WA 98117\, USA SUMMARY:ECG Asynchronous League - Cascadia Prep CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:➡️ Buy Tickets Here 🎉 😻\n\nThis is going to be a hybr id event played online and in person when able. Anyone* who is part of the ECG (Seattle) Discord channel is welcome to join.\nIf cost is a barrier f or anyone please feel free to use NETRUNNER4ALL or HALFOFF to pay less ❤ ️ I would much prefer people play then pay 😄\nYou will get a double s ided swiss pairing each week and can schedule your games with your opponen t at your convenience. You are welcome to change decks each round. The for mat is standard\, but I wont be policing that if you and your opponent wan t to play a game a chess for a round I wont stop you. The league will run for 6 weeks with no cut\, most points wins ties broken by SOS and eSOS.\nP rizing will be pulled from my prize support pool with some of the nicer st uff coming out for this event! Participation prizes will also be available and can be selected when you register.\nYou must buy a ticket/register by 6/24 in order to get paired into round one. The league will be organized and run in the ECG discord channel.\n*If you are not a local player you ar e still welcome to join. I can ship cards anywhere in the world without to o much hassle\, but I may charge you shipping for a playmat if you win one and need it shipped.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

➡️ Buy Tickets Here 🎉 😻




This is going to be a hybrid event played online and in per son when able. Anyone* who is part of the ECG (Seattle) Discord channel is welcome to join.


If cost is a barrier for anyone please feel free to use NETRUNNER4ALL or HALFOFF to pay less ❤️ I would much prefer pe ople play then pay 😄


You will get a double sided swiss pairing each week and can schedule your games with your opponent at your convenien ce. You are welcome to change decks each round. The format is standard\, b ut I wont be policing that if you and your opponent want to play a game a chess for a round I wont stop you. The league will run for 6 weeks with no cut\, most points wins ties broken by SOS and eSOS.


Prizing will be pulled from my prize support pool with some of the nicer stuff coming o ut for this event! Participation prizes will also be available and can be selected when you register.


You must buy a ticket/register by 6/24 in order to get paired into round one. The league will be organized and r un in the ECG discord channel.


*If you are not a local player you are still welcome to join. I can ship cards anywhere in the world without too much hassle\, but I may charge you shipping for a playmat if you win o ne and need it shipped.