BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4320alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Dublin:20241005T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Dublin:20241005T235900 URL: LOCATION:9/10 Belgard Square W\, Tallaght\, Dublin\, Ireland SUMMARY:Irish Nationals 2024 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Third year running\, it's time for the biggest\, most prestigio us\, pinnacle and highlight of the competitive Netrunner calendar. You're right\, tt's time for Irish Nationals! Bummed that Worlds is over on the W esht Coast (no not that one)? Come along to Irish Nats for some beautiful sun and amazing fun.\nOnce again the wonderful folks over at Underworld Ga ming are hosting us so take a spin down to Dublin and compete for the titl e of 2024 Irish National Champion. There'll be promos\, playmats\, and an exclusive Begemot alt art that'll be as Gaeilge (better brush up on your c úpla focal for that one).\n"\;But\, anarcho\, you smart\, cool\, sexy \, funny\, charming TO\,"\; I hear you cry out by the hundreds\, " \;what are the details of this wonderful miraculous event?"\;\nWhy I'm glad you asked\, adoring fans. The details are all below!\nWhen: Saturday October 5th\nWhere: Underworld Gaming in Tallaght\, Dublin\nFormat: Stand ard\nSSS or DSS: Single Sided Swiss\nHow much: TBC (last year was about 20 quid I think)\nTickets: Available here!\nHow many rounds: Depends on numb ers on the day but expect 6 rounds with a Top 4 cut\nPost Nats Pub: Yes! W e'll be having post nats pizza and pints at Rascals Brewery in Inchicore\n Hotel: Trivago\nIf you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to ping me on slack\, discord\, carrier pigeon\, whatever way you can get me !\nHopefully see plenty of new\, returning\, and travelling faces!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Third year running\, it's time for the bigg est\, most prestigious\, pinnacle and highlight of the competitive Netrunn er calendar. You're right\, tt's time for Irish Nationals! Bummed that Wor lds is over on the Wesht Coast (no not that one)? Come along to Irish Nats for some beautiful sun and amazing fun.


Once again the wonderful folks over at Underworld Gaming are hosting us so take a spin down to Dubl in and compete for the title of 2024 Irish National Champion. There'll be promos\, playmats\, and an exclusive Begemot alt art that 'll be as Gaeilge (better brush up on your cúpla focal for that one).


"\;But\, anarcho\, you smart\, cool\, sexy\, funny\, cha rming TO\,"\; I hear you cry out by the hundreds\, "\;what are the details of this wonderful miraculous event?"\;


Why I'm glad y ou asked\, adoring fans. The details are all below!


When:< /strong> Saturday October 5th\nWhere: Underworld Gaming i n Tallaght\, Dublin\nFormat: Standard\nSSS or DSS : Single Sided Swiss\nHow much: TBC (last year w as about 20 quid I think)\nTickets: A vailable here!\nHow many rounds: Depends on numbers o n the day but expect 6 rounds with a Top 4 cut\nPost Nats Pub: Yes! We'll be having post nats pizza and pints at Rascals Brewery in Inchicore\nHotel: Trivago


If you have any questi ons at all please do not hesitate to ping me on slack\, discord\, carrier pigeon\, whatever way you can get me!


Hopefully see plenty of new\ , returning\, and travelling faces!