BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4315alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20240615T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20240615T235900 URL: uit-opener-2 SUMMARY:NoVa Netrunner Summer Circuit Opener 2 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:The National Capital Region group will be hosting a second Stan dard CO at the Comstock HOA Clubhouse in Fairfax\, VA.\nAddress: 3955 Brad water St\, Fairfax\, VA\nDate: SATURDAY June 15th\, 2024\, 12PM\nEntry: 20 $\nWill Decklists need to be submitted? Yes\, unless attendance is <\; 8 .\nTournament prize:\nWinner: Invitation to the 2025 Circuit Breaker Invit ational Championship.\nTop 2: Cat’s Cradle playmat.\nTop 4: 3× Prepaid VoicePAD alt art\nTop 8: 3× Tatu-Bola alt art.\nRegistration starts at 12 PM for 30 minutes and the tournament starts soon after.\nWe will be playin g in Single-sided Swiss with 40 mins per round.\nWe will play 5 to 6 round s of Swiss depending on attendance\, with a cut to Top 4 if attendence is >\;16 (otherwise final standings will be based on Swiss).\nOther Policie s:\nThis tournament will be using the most current Standard banlist found here:\n\nThis tournamen t will be following current NSG Organized Play policy.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
The National Capital Region group will be h osting a second Standard CO at the Comstock HOA Clubhouse in Fairfax\, VA.
\nAddress: 3955 Bradwater St\, Fairfax\, VA\nDate: SATURDAY June 15 th\, 2024\, 12PM\nEntry: 20$\nWill Decklists need to be submitted? Yes\, u nless attendance is <\; 8.
\nTournament prize:
\nWinner: Inv itation to the 2025 Circuit Breaker Invitational Championship.\nTop 2: Cat ’s Cradle playmat.\nTop 4: 3× Prepaid VoicePAD alt art\nTop 8: 3× Tatu -Bola alt art.
\nRegistration starts at 12PM for 30 minutes and the tournament starts soon after.
\nWe will be playing in Single-sided S wiss with 40 mins per round.
\nWe will play 5 to 6 rounds of Swiss d epending on attendance\, with a cut to Top 4 if attendence is >\;16 (oth erwise final standings will be based on Swiss).
\nOther Policies:
\nThis tournament will be using the most current Standard banlist foun d here:\n
\nThis tournament will be following current NSG Organized Play policy.