BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4313alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20240601T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20240601T235900 URL: LOCATION:Pendigo Way\, Marston Green\, Birmingham B40 1NT\, UK SUMMARY:UKGE Startup CO CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:We're running a Startup CO at the UK Games Expo! (And\, as of y esterday\, I am its TO!)\nYou can also find a listing for this tournament on the UKGE schedule.\nEntry is free. (Well\, you still have to pay to get into UK Games Expo in the first place\, but you do not need to pay an add itional cost for this tournament.)\nMeet at the Null Signal Games stand at 11am - the tournament will actually happen somewhere in Hall 3. Contact m e via Discord or Slack if you are running late and need to know where we a re - I'll try to grab a banner to flag where we are if they're not all in use at the stand.\nThis tournament will be run using Single Sided Swiss. N umber of rounds will be determined based on attendance.\nPrizing is a stan dard H1 2024 CO kit (see below for details)\, along with some additional t okens. (I will confirm who will get these as prizes at the start of the to urnament.)\nHope to see you there!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

We're running a Startup CO at the UK Games Expo! (And\, as of yesterday\, I am its TO!)


You can also find a l isting for this tournament on the UKGE schedule.


Entry is free. (Well\, you still have to pay to get into UK Game s Expo in the first place\, but you do not need to pay an additional cost for this tournament.)


Meet at the Null Signal Games stand at 11am - the tournament will actually happen somewhere in Hall 3. Contact me via Discord or Slack if you are running late and need to know where we are - I 'll try to grab a banner to flag where we are if they're not all in use at the stand.


This tournament will be run using Single Sided Swiss. Number of rounds will be determined based on attendance.


Prizing i s a standard H1 2024 CO kit (see below for details)\, along with some addi tional tokens. (I will confirm who will get these as prizes at the start o f the tournament.)


Hope to see you there!