BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:431alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20170223T183000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20170223T235900 URL: LOCATION:230 Gloucester Rd\, Bristol BS7 8NZ\, UK SUMMARY:Area 51 Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Need some PADs? Fancy winning a shiny hedge fund? or maybe some other alt-arts from the back catalogue? New to netrunner and don't have m any cards yet but would like to play competitively? Or perhaps just fancy something a little different to the standard tournament?\nThen have we got some rounds of swiss for you!\nThe schedule will be as usual: 6.30pm star t\, four 1hr rounds with 5m breaks between. All tournament legal cards rel eased by the 22nd will be OK. £5 entry\nDue to size\, there is a 16 playe r cap.\nThis will be a format event\, for those who don't know thi s\, it's the following:\na. your cardpool is limited to: 1 core\, 1 deluxe \, 1 pack and 1 full playset of a single card.\nb. You can have different cardpools for runner and corp.\nc. MWL does NOT apply\nd. Errata DO apply (so WNP is unique\, astro 1/deck)\ne. You can play any normal ID (it doesn 't have to be within your cardpool)\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Need some PADs? Fancy winning a shiny hedge fund? or maybe some other alt-arts from the back catalogue? New to netrun ner and don't have many cards yet but would like to play competitively? Or perhaps just fancy something a little different to the standard tournamen t?
\nThen have we got some rounds of swiss for you!
\nThe sche dule will be as usual: 6.30pm start\, four 1hr rounds with 5m breaks betwe en. All tournament legal cards released by the 22nd will be OK. £5 entry< /p>\n
Due to size\, there is a 16 player cap.
\nThis will be a 1.1 .1.1 format event\, for those who don't know this\, it's the following:\na . your cardpool is limited to: 1 core\, 1 deluxe\, 1 pack and 1 full plays et of a single card.\nb. You can have different cardpools for runner and c orp.\nc. MWL does NOT apply\nd. Errata DO apply (so WNP is unique\, astro 1/deck)\ne. You can play any normal ID (it doesn't have to be within your cardpool)