BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4300alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Adelaide:20240613T063000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Australia/Adelaide:20240613T235900 URL: LOCATION:Level 1/50 King William St\, Adelaide SA 5000\, Australia SUMMARY:Adelaide Standard GNK CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Casual Netrunner tournament for new\, experienced\, and returni ng players. A great opportunity to practice ahead of Continentals!\nThe pr ize pool will consist of the 2024 Q1 GNK kit and extra alt arts. Everybody will come away with at least 1-2 prizes!\nWe'll play a 3 round tournament \, and in each round you play a game as Corp and a game as Runner. The rou nd time limit is 65 minutes\, with an extra turn each if games go to time. \nThe standard cardpool will be in place\, including the current Standard Banlist (see under Sta ndard for the most up-to-date list). There is no need for decklists.\nEntr y is $6\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Casual Netrunner tournament for new\, exper ienced\, and returning players. A great opportunity to practice ahead of C ontinentals!


The prize pool will consist of the 2024 Q1 GNK kit an d extra alt arts. Everybody will come away with at least 1-2 prizes!


We'll play a 3 round tournament\, and in each round you play a game as Corp and a game as Runner. The round time limit is 65 minutes\, with an ex tra turn each if games go to time.


The standard cardpool will be i n place\, including the current Standard Banlist (see https://nullsignal.g ames/players/supported-formats/ under Standard for the most up-to-date lis t). There is no need for decklists.


Entry is $6