BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4297alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20240720T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20240720T235900 URL: championship-co-h2 LOCATION:1314 Inwood Rd\, Dallas\, TX 75247\, USA SUMMARY:Common Ground Games Store Championship - CO H2 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:PSA: anyone planning to attend the tournament\, please pre-regi ster at this link\, if possible: . This is the bracket for the tournament\, and as we’re approaching capa city\, we’ll go on a first-come first-serve basis for sign-ups\, all the way to the start of the tournament at 12:00pm. The cap is 36\, so we sho uldn’t hit capacity\, but in case we do just reach out and I’ll put to gether a waitlist for any dropouts/no-shows to register you.\nCommon Groun d Games is hosting their first Store Championship for netrunner since 2018 \, and we’re excited to bring it back with the 2024 CO H2 Kit as prizing ! This event will be in the standard format. Depending on the number of at tendees\, we’ll have 6-7 rounds of single sided Swiss\, with a top cut t o 4 or 8.\nThis will be our first sanctioned event since the Rebellion wit hout Rehearsal released\, so give a thumbs up for your finest Working Prot otypes and spool up your Cataloguers and show up to compete for glory (and a playmat and some alt arts I guess)!\nCurrent prizing is the 2024 H2 CO Kit\, and a reverse draft of the 2024 Run Together alt arts.\nCommon Groun d is a phenomenal venue and is generously hosting this event\, so make sur e to show your support to the store to let us keep getting away with these great tournaments! Registration will start at 11:30\, and we’ll start t he tournament at 12:00.\nLooking forward to seeing y’all there!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

PSA: anyone planning to attend the tourname nt\, please pre-register at this link\, if possible: http://www.aesopstabl This is the bracket for the tournament\, and as we ’re approaching capacity\, we’ll go on a first-come first-serve basis for sign-ups\, all the way to the start of the tournament at 12:00pm. The cap is 36\, so we shouldn’t hit capacity\, but in case we do just reach out and I’ll put together a waitlist for any dropouts/no-shows to regis ter you.


Common Ground Games is hosting their first Store Champion ship for netrunner since 2018\, and we’re excited to bring it back with the 2024 CO H2 Kit as prizing! This event will be in the standard format. Depending on the number of attendees\, we’ll have 6-7 rounds of single s ided Swiss\, with a top cut to 4 or 8.


This will be our first sanc tioned event since the Rebellion without Rehearsal released\, so give a th umbs up for your finest Working Prototypes and spool up your Cataloguers a nd show up to compete for glory (and a playmat and some alt arts I guess)!


Current prizing is the 2024 H2 CO Kit\, and a reverse draft of th e 2024 Run Together alt arts.


Common Ground is a phenomenal venue and is generously hosting this event\, so make sure to show your support t o the store to let us keep getting away with these great tournaments! Regi stration will start at 11:30\, and we’ll start the tournament at 12:00.< /p>\n

Looking forward to seeing y’all there!