BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:429alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20170225T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20170225T235900 URL: ht-games-salt-lake-city LOCATION:2148 900 E\, Salt Lake City\, UT 84106\, USA SUMMARY:Store Championship - Game Night Games\, Salt Lake City CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Where: Game Night Game\, 2148 900 E\, Salt Lake City\, UT 84106 When: February 25th\, Check in at 11:00 AM\, start time at Noon. Note: Du e to uneven distribution of product\, Daedalus Complex will NOT be legal a t this store championship.\nHola Netrunners!\nIf you have an addiction to running the nets\, you'll be welcome at our third annual store championshi p. Servers will be created\, ice will be demolished\, and apartment comple xes WILL be sacrificed in the name of the greater good!\nFor those who hav e never attended a Store Championship before\, you are also welcome! Pleas e bring a decklist for both your corp and runner decks to save time\, as w ell as some water or snacks to keep you going on an intense afternoon of d igital combat. There will be several rounds of swiss followed by a cut\, d epending on the exact number of players in attendance (4 rounds to a top 4 is common\, but additional players will create an extra round or two).\nW e will see you there!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Where: Game Night Game\, 2148 900 E\, Salt Lake City\, UT 84106 When: February 25th\, Check in at 11:00 AM\, start ti me at Noon. Note: Due to uneven distribution of product\, Daedalus Complex will NOT be legal at this store championship.


Hola Netrunners!


If you have an addiction to running the nets\, you'll be welcome at our third annual store championship. Servers will be created\, ice will be demolished\, and apartment complexes WILL be sacrificed in the name of th e greater good!


For those who have never attended a Store Champion ship before\, you are also welcome! Please bring a decklist for both your corp and runner decks to save time\, as well as some water or snacks to ke ep you going on an intense afternoon of digital combat. There will be seve ral rounds of swiss followed by a cut\, depending on the exact number of p layers in attendance (4 rounds to a top 4 is common\, but additional playe rs will create an extra round or two).


We will see you there!