BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4288alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240615 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240617 URL: tal-championship SUMMARY:2024 Asia-Pacific Continental Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Players from the Asia-Pacific region battle for the title of 20 24 Asia-Pacific Continental Champion\, and a chance to compete in the Inte rcontinental Championship!\n\nBuy Tickets / Register Decklists / Check Tim ezones\nAsia-Pacific Continental Championship Details\nDecklists REQUIRED. Eventbrite Ticket Required. NSG Standard Format.\nDates &\; Times\n\n\ nTicket Sales for this tournament will end June 14th at 11:30 PM AWST (UTC +8)\n\n\nDecklist Registration for this tournament will end June 15th 06: 00 AM AWST (UTC +8)\n\n\nSingle Sided Swiss Rounds will be held on June 15 th at 9:00 AM AWST (UTC +8) for Check-In\, 10:00 AM AWST (UTC +8) for Roun d 1 Start. Check in and event will be run through the Null Signal Events D iscord\n\n\nTop Cut games will take place June 16th at 9:00AM AWST (UTC +8 ) for Check-In\, 9:30AM AWST (UTC +8) for Round 1 Start\n\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Players from the Asia-Pacific region battle for the title of 2024 Asia-Pacific Continental Champion\, and a chance to compete in the Intercontinental Championship!
\nBuy Tickets / Register Decklists / Check Timezones
\nDecklists REQUIRED. Eventbrite Ticke t Required. NSG Standard Format.
\nTicket Sales for this tournament will end Ju ne 14th at 11:30 PM AWST (UTC +8)
\nDecklist Re gistration for this tournament will end June 15th 06:00 AM AWST ( UTC +8)
\nSingle Sided Swiss Rounds wi ll be held on June 15th at 9:00 AM AWST (UTC +8) for Check-In\, 10:00 AM A WST (UTC +8) for Round 1 Start. Check in and event will be run through the Null Signal Events Discord< /p>\n
Top Cut games will take place June 1 6th at 9:00AM AWST (UTC +8) for Check-In\, 9:30AM AWST (UTC +8) for Round 1 Start