BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4284alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20240720T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20240721T235900 URL: 24 LOCATION:477 Manning Ave\, Toronto\, ON M6G 2V8\, Canada SUMMARY:EAST CANADIAN NATIONALS 2024 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:COME TUSSLE IN TORONTO AT THE EAST CANADIAN NATIONAL CHAMPIONSH IP\nWe've got a full weekend of Netrunner planned for you in Toronto for o ur East-ish version of the Canadian National Championships!\nOn Saturday\, July 20\, we'll kick off the main event with swiss rounds. Then\, on Sund ay\, we'll run the cut and crown a new East-ish Canadian Champ. We'll also run side events that day\, ensuring that no one will be left out of the f un. This will include a full Startup-format tournament\, along with other fun events (e.g.\, a Cube draft).\nWe'll also have a ton of prize support in addition to the official NSG prizing\, including custom cards that won' t be available anywhere else featuring art from one of Netrunner's best ar tists\, Toronto's own Scott Uminga! We also have some other fun things pla nned\, like custom games\, food\, and a t-shirt to honour the event. Plus\ , first place gets a free ticket to the Netrunner World Championship!\n\n\ nAll players will receive 3 copies of both Mitosis and Trick Shot! We've a lso got other prizes and surprises planned and players in the Top Cut will receive a few special extras as well!\nUpdate: We also have a custom alt art for Mimic designed by an artist from our meta using an original oil pa inting\, which will also be available as a prize! All participants will re ceive three copies of this beautiful Mimic alt art!\n\nThis event is also appropriate for players of all skill levels and proxies are completely acc eptable\, so we encourage everyone to come out and play! It'll be a great weekend and maybe we'll even do karaoke. Please visit the Torsaug Discord and come say hi! We're excited to host you all in our fair city. https://d\nTickets are available here and are limited so please se cure your spot ASAP!\nWe've also got our own custom shirt to commemorate t he event!\n\nIf you're interested in securing a shirt for yourself\, pleas e see this form for more information and to buy one!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



We've got a full weekend of Netrunner pla nned for you in Toronto for our East-ish version of the Canadian National Championships!


On Saturday\, July 20\, we'll kick off the main eve nt with swiss rounds. Then\, on Sunday\, we'll run the cut and crown a new East-ish Canadian Champ. We'll also run side events that day\, ensuring t hat no one will be left out of the fun. This will include a full Startup-f ormat tournament\, along with other fun events (e.g.\, a Cube draft).

\ n

We'll also have a ton of prize support in addition to the official NSG prizing\, including custom cards that won't be available anywhere else fe aturing art from one of Netrunner's best artists\, Toronto's own Scott Umi nga! We also have some other fun things planned\, like custom games\, food \, and a t-shirt to honour the event. Plus\, first place gets a free ticke t to the Netrunner World Championship!






All players will receive 3 copies of both Mit osis and Trick Shot! We've also got other prizes and surprises planned and players in the Top Cut will receive a few special extras as well!


Update: We also have a custom alt art for Mimic designed by an artist fro m our meta using an original oil painting\, which will also be available a s a prize! All participants will receive three copies of this beautiful Mi mic alt art!




This event is also appropriate for players of all ski ll levels and proxies are completely acceptable\, so we encourage everyone to come out and play! It'll be a great weekend and maybe we'll even do ka raoke. Please visit the Torsaug Discord and come say hi! We're excited to host you all in our fair city.


Tickets are available here and are lim ited so please secure your spot ASAP!


We've also got our own c ustom shirt to commemorate the event!




If you're interested in securing a shirt for yourself\, please see this form for more information and to buy one!