BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4281alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20240810T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20240810T235900 URL: LOCATION:68-70 Mansfield Rd\, Nottingham NG1 3GY\, UK SUMMARY:Midlands Regional 2024 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Venue: The Dice Cup\, Nottingham\nDate: Saturday 10th August\nR egistration: from 10:30am\nRound 1 start: 11am\nTicket cost: £15\nWhat ar e UK Regionals?\nThe UK Regionals are 6 community-run tournaments througho ut the UK. All run by local TOs and Judges\, we aim to bring the UK Netrun ner community together through local\, competitive events!\nEvent info\nTh e event will be using the Standard cardpool with the most recent banlist. We will be using Single Sided Swiss\, so each round will be 40 minutes lon g and you will play only one game.\nAs always\, proxies will be legal at t his tournament. If you need any last-minute printing\, reach out to us wit h a list of cards by 12pm on Friday 9th August\, and we'll make sure they' re ready for you on the day. Limited printing is available on-the-day for a fee.\nThis is a competitive-level event\, but with slightly shorter tour nament structure due to only having one day to run the event. Unless we ge t significantly fewer or more players than expected\, we will be playing s ix rounds\, followed by a single-elimination cut to top 8. Schedule will b e confirmed on the day\, but if we get the expected number of players it w ill be as follows:\nRound 1: 11:00-11:40\nRound 2: 11:50-12:30\nRound 3: 1 2:40-13:20\nLunch: 13:20-14:10\nRound 4: 14:10-14:50\nRound 5: 15:00-15:40 \nRound 6: 15:50-16:30\nCut: roughly 16:45-19:00\nVenue and Ticket Info\nE ntry for this event will be £15. You can buy your tickets here\nThe event cap is 48\, so please book ahead to make sure you're able to play!\nThe D ice Cup is a fully-vegan\, fully-accessible board game café in the heart of Nottingham (please no outside food or drink!) Due to the central locati on\, there's lots of nearby parking - the store can validate your parking for 25% off if you park in the Victoria Centre car park\, or there's on-st reet parking about 5mins walk away on Peel Street. The Dice Cup is ~20mins walk from Nottingham Railway Station.\nContact\nIf there's anything we ha ven't covered\, or you'd like to find out more\, get in touch! The main co ntact for this event is @dreadmaaw on Discord and via email. [Editor's Note: You can also message @harmonbee as the head judge\, but they will probably just send the questions to dreadmaw. This isn't a slight against harmonbee\, as they're the one writing this...]\nThe full l ist of UK Regionals 2024 events are:\n\n\nSouth West (Bristol 27/7)\n\n\nM idlands (Nottingham 10/8)\n\n\nSouth East (Aldershot 24/8)\n\n\nScotland ( Edinburgh 7/9)\n\n\nEast Anglia (Cambridge 21/9)\n\n\nThe North (Sheffield 5/10)\n\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Venue: The Dice Cup\, Nott ingham


Date: Saturday 10th August


Registration: from 10:30am


Round 1 start: 11am


Ticket cost: £15


What are UK Re gionals?


The UK Regionals are 6 community-run tournaments through out the UK. All run by local TOs and Judges\, we aim to bring the UK Netru nner community together through local\, competitive events!


Event info


The event will be using the Standard cardpool with the most recent banlist. We will be using Single Sided Swiss\, so each round will be 40 minutes long and you will play only one game.


As always\, pr oxies will be legal at this tournament. If you need any last-minute printi ng\, reach out to us with a list of cards by 12pm on Friday 9th Au gust\, and we'll make sure they're ready for you on the day. Limi ted printing is available on-the-day for a fee.


This is a competit ive-level event\, but with slightly shorter tournament structure due to on ly having one day to run the event. Unless we get significantly fewer or m ore players than expected\, we will be playing six rounds\, followed by a single-elimination cut to top 8. Schedule will be confirmed on the day\, b ut if we get the expected number of players it will be as follows:


Round 1: 11:00-11:40


Round 2: 1 1:50-12:30


Round 3: 12:40-13:20


L unch: 13:20-14:10


Round 4: 14:10-14:50\n

Round 5: 15:00-15:40


Round 6: 15:50-16:30


Cut: roughly 16:45-19:00

\nVenue and Ticket Info\n

Entry for this event will be £15. You ca n buy your tickets here

\n< p>The event cap is 48\, so please book ahead to make sure you're able to play!


The Dice Cup is a fully-vegan\, fully-access ible board game café in the heart of Nottingham (please no outside food o r drink!) Due to the central location\, there's lots of nearby parking - t he store can validate your parking for 25% off if you park in the Victoria Centre car park\, or there's on-street parking about 5mins walk away on P eel Street. The Dice Cup is ~20mins walk from Nottingham Railway Station.< /p>\n



If there's anything we haven't covered\, or you' d like to find out more\, get in touch! The main contact for this event is @dreadmaaw on Discord and via email. [Editor's Note: You can also message @harmonbee as the head judge\, but they will probably just send the questions to dreadmaw. This isn't a slight against harmonbe e\, as they're the one writing this...]


The full list of UK Region als 2024 events are: