BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4279alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20240727T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20240728T235900 URL: LOCATION:175 Mansfield Ave\, Norton\, MA 02766\, USA SUMMARY:US East Coast Nationals CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Do you have what it takes to conquer the sharks on the coast? O r will your blood be spilled in the water? Jack in\, runner\, and sabotage the meta at the US nationals!\nThe tournament will be 8 rounds of SSS wit h the latest banlist on day one with top cut to 8 on day two. Closed deckl ists in Swiss and open in the cut. Space is limited to 64 people.\nYou mus t buy the ticket online due to limited capacity. The store will not be abl e to allow day-of registrations.\nPlease make sure you buy the ticket usin g the link below at your earliest convenience. While buying\, please inclu de your actual name\, name you'd like on Aesop's and pronouns\, it is okay if you don't include your IDs\nClick here to buy your ticket.\nSide Event : Introducing Inversificator\; consisting of the standard card pool with t he latest banlist. You can play any legal ID but cannot include cards from the faction it belongs to. However\, the agendas MUST be from the same fa ction. Infinite influence. Pop off.\nEntry fees for both TBA for both even ts but it will be converted to store credit for the top 8. Extra prizes.\n Arissana alt arts for top 50% (Fight it out on SoS) for the main event and a set of Adam Themed (courtesy of Ezbior) opaque card sleeves for the win ners of both the main and side event. Top placing corp player for each of the 4 corp factions will receive an acrylic ID of the corresponding factio n.\n\n\n\nAdditionally\, proxies will be provided if you require any. Plea se DM me a day before the tournament if you would require any.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Do you have what it takes to conquer the sh arks on the coast? Or will your blood be spilled in the water? Jack in\, r unner\, and sabotage the meta at the US nationals!


The tournament will be 8 rounds of SSS with the latest banlist on day one with top cut to 8 on day two. Closed decklists in Swiss and open in the cut. Space is lim ited to 64 people.


You must buy the ticket online due to limited capacity. The store will not be able to allow day-of registrations.


Please make sure you buy the ticket using the link below at your earlie st convenience. While buying\, please include your actual name\, name you' d like on Aesop's and pronouns\, it is okay if you don't include your IDs\ nClick here to buy your ticke t.


Side Event: Introducing Inversificator\; consisting of the stan dard card pool with the latest banlist. You can play any legal ID but cann ot include cards from the faction it belongs to. However\, the agendas MUS T be from the same faction. Infinite influence. Pop off.


Entry fee s for both TBA for both events but it will be converted to store credit fo r the top 8. Extra prizes.


Arissana alt arts for top 50% (Fight it out on SoS) for the main event and a set of Adam Themed (courtesy of Ezbi or) opaque card sleeves for the winners of both the main and side event. T op placing corp player for each of the 4 corp factions will receive an acr ylic ID of the corresponding faction.








Additionally\, proxies will be provided if you require any. Please DM me a day before the tournament if you would re quire any.