BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:427alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20170318T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20170318T235900 URL: -never-was-chesterfield-uk LOCATION:1JN\, 23 Soresby St\, Chesterfield S40\, UK SUMMARY:The Store Championship That Never Was - Chesterfield\, UK CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:This is a renegade Store Championship taking place outside of t he normal Store Championship season - this means as per my conversation wi th Alec Thorne\, the bye on offer here will NOT BE VALID. However\, mats\, trophy\, deckboxes\, alt-arts and Laurie Points will still be awarded for the event.\nEntry will cost £5 per person\, and registration will start at 10am with round 1 beginning at 11am. This will be treated in all respec ts like an official Store Championship - Casual level floor rules will be in effect\, and deck lists will be required. I will be acting as player/ju dge and would appreciate someone else acting as second player/judge on the day.\nThe venue is a 10 minute walk from Chesterfield Station and within striking distance of at least 3 large car parks for those driving to the e vent.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

This is a renegade Store Championship takin g place outside of the normal Store Championship season - this means as pe r my conversation with Alec Thorne\, the bye on offer here will NOT BE VAL ID. However\, mats\, trophy\, deckboxes\, alt-arts and Laurie Points will still be awarded for the event.


Entry will cost £5 per person\, a nd registration will start at 10am with round 1 beginning at 11am. This wi ll be treated in all respects like an official Store Championship - Casual level floor rules will be in effect\, and deck lists will be required. I will be acting as player/judge and would appreciate someone else acting as second player/judge on the day.


The venue is a 10 minute walk fro m Chesterfield Station and within striking distance of at least 3 large ca r parks for those driving to the event.