BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4264alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20240713T130000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20240713T235900 URL: vent-dark-sphere SUMMARY:London Beginners' Startup Event @ Dark Sphere CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:So you've gotten started and learnt to play Netrunner. What now ...?\nTry your first semi-competitive play experience with a Startup Forma t Tournament we'll be running for new &\; returning players!\nWhat will I need for this?\n\n\nEntry will be £3 per person (this covers the table charge &\; prizing)\n\n\nAs this is a Tournament format event\, you wi ll need to build &\; bring a Startup Format Deck as well as a set of to kens/dice to use during your games.\n\n\nWhat is Startup Format?\nIf you ’re looking to get into organized play\, Startup is the place to\, well\ , start. It’s a limited-cardpool format\, intended for new players takin g their first steps into Organized Play.\nThere are 4 sets currently legal in startup - these are:\nSystem Gateway\nSystem Update 2021\nThe Automata Initiative\nRebellion Without Rehearsal\nAll the above sets are available to buy here)\nCurrently\, there is no ban list for Startup\nNo idea how t o build a deck? No problem\, come at midday\, and we'll help you put somet hing together!\nIf you're planning on coming\, we kindly ask you to either click 'Going' below\, or message Nick (Contact Details to the left) so th at we can get an idea of numbers!\nHope to see you there!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

So you've gotten started and learnt to play Netrunner. What now...?


Try your first semi-competitive play experience with a Startup Format Tourname nt we'll be running for new &\; returning players!


What will I need for this?


What is Startup Form at?


If you’re looking to get into organized play\, Star tup is the place to\, well\, start. It’s a limited-cardpool format\, int ended for new players taking their first steps into Organized Play.

\n< p>There are 4 sets currently legal in startup - these are:\nSystem Gateway \nSystem Update 2021\nThe Automata Initiative\nRebellion Without Rehearsal


All the above sets are available to buy here)\nCurrently\, there is no ban list for Startu p


No idea how to build a deck? No problem\, come at midday\, and w e'll help you put something together!


If you're planning on coming \, we kindly ask you to either click 'Going' below\, or message Nick (Cont act Details to the left) so that we can get an idea of numbers!


Ho pe to see you there!