BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4263alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20240623T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20240623T235900 URL: rksphere-shepherds-bush LOCATION:Unit 8 W12 Shopping Centre\, London W12 8PP\, UK SUMMARY:London LEARN TO PLAY Day@DarkSphere Shepherds Bush CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Have you recently discovered\, or wanted to get back into Netru nner?\nOr would you like to try out an amazing cyberpunk-flavoured Card Ga me unlike any you've played before?\nThen come to our beginner-friendly Me etup Event\, where you can learn to play netrunner &\; meet the London community!\nWe'll be down at Dark Sphere Shepherd's Bush from 12pm to 5pm running demos &\; intro sessions for new players\, giving out promo car ds\, and running some casual &\; friendly system gateway matches during the day.\nSounds great\, what do I need?\n\n\nBasically\, just yourself!\ n\n\nBUT If you have a copy of the 'System Gateway' Starter Set\, please f eel free to bring that along. (If not\, we'll have some copies for you to use!)\n(if you'd like to buy a copy of System Gateway\, you can also do so here)\n\n\nEntry is free\, but we will accept a completely optional £2 d onation per person to cover table hire.\n\n\nIf you're planning on coming\ , we kindly ask you to either click 'Going' below\, or message Nick (Conta ct Details to the left) so that we can get an idea of numbers!\n\n\nHope t o see you there!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Have you recently discovered\, or wanted to get back into Netrunner?
\nOr would you like to try out an amazing cyberpunk-flavoured Card Game unlike any you've played before?
\nThe n come to our beginner-friendly Meetup Event\, where you can learn to play netrunner &\; meet the London community!
\nWe'l l be down at Dark Sphere Shepherd's Bush from 12pm to 5pm running demos &\; intro sessions for new players\, giving out promo ca rds\, and running some casual &\; friendly system gateway matches durin g the day.
\nSounds great\, what do I need?
\n\nBasically\, just yourself!
\nBUT If you ha ve a copy of the 'System Gateway' Starter Set\, please feel free to bring that along. (If not\, we'll have some copies for you to use!)\n(if you'd l ike to buy a copy of System Gateway\, you can also do so here)
\nEntry is free\, but we will accept a completely optional £2 donation per person to cover table hire.
\nIf you're planning on coming\, we kindly ask you to either click 'Going' below\, or message Nick (Contact Details to the left) so that we can get an idea of numbers!
\nHope to see you there!