BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4263alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20240623T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20240623T235900 URL: rksphere-shepherds-bush LOCATION:Unit 8 W12 Shopping Centre\, London W12 8PP\, UK SUMMARY:London LEARN TO PLAY Day@DarkSphere Shepherds Bush CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Have you recently discovered\, or wanted to get back into Netru nner?\nOr would you like to try out an amazing cyberpunk-flavoured Card Ga me unlike any you've played before?\nThen come to our beginner-friendly Me etup Event\, where you can learn to play netrunner &\; meet the London community!\nWe'll be down at Dark Sphere Shepherd's Bush from 12pm to 5pm running demos &\; intro sessions for new players\, giving out promo car ds\, and running some casual &\; friendly system gateway matches during the day.\nSounds great\, what do I need?\n\n\nBasically\, just yourself!\ n\n\nBUT If you have a copy of the 'System Gateway' Starter Set\, please f eel free to bring that along. (If not\, we'll have some copies for you to use!)\n(if you'd like to buy a copy of System Gateway\, you can also do so here)\n\n\nEntry is free\, but we will accept a completely optional £2 d onation per person to cover table hire.\n\n\nIf you're planning on coming\ , we kindly ask you to either click 'Going' below\, or message Nick (Conta ct Details to the left) so that we can get an idea of numbers!\n\n\nHope t o see you there!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Have you recently discovered\, or wanted to get back into Netrunner?


Or would you like to try out an amazing cyberpunk-flavoured Card Game unlike any you've played before?


The n come to our beginner-friendly Meetup Event\, where you can learn to play netrunner &\; meet the London community!


We'l l be down at Dark Sphere Shepherd's Bush from 12pm to 5pm running demos &\; intro sessions for new players\, giving out promo ca rds\, and running some casual &\; friendly system gateway matches durin g the day.


Sounds great\, what do I need?

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    Basically\, just yourself!

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    BUT If you ha ve a copy of the 'System Gateway' Starter Set\, please feel free to bring that along. (If not\, we'll have some copies for you to use!)\n(if you'd l ike to buy a copy of System Gateway\, you can also do so here)

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    Entry is free\, but we will accept a completely optional £2 donation per person to cover table hire.

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    If you're planning on coming\, we kindly ask you to either click 'Going' below\, or message Nick (Contact Details to the left) so that we can get an idea of numbers!

  • \n\n

    Hope to see you there!