BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4257alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Brisbane:20240720T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Australia/Brisbane:20240721T235900 URL: als-2024-brisbane-qld LOCATION:317/325 George St\, Brisbane City QLD 4000\, Australia SUMMARY:Australian Northern Nationals 2024 - Brisbane QLD CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:It is my honour to host the first National Championship ever fo r Queensland\, in Brisbane. This two-day event will be open to players of all skill levels.\nTicketing\n$35 grants you entry to the events on both d ays. Purchase tickets online via this link: Australian Nationals North Tic kets or at the door on the day.\nEntry can also be paid for on the day in cash at the venue. Late arrivals can join but will be required to pay full price no matter what time they arrive.\nSchedule\nSaturday\nStandard form at\, Single-Sided Swiss\, 40 minute rounds. Number of rounds dependent on number of attendees\, likely 6 or 7. Competitive-tier event rules apply - meaning decklists are required and alt-art cards must follow the rules out lined in the NSG Organised Play Policies document. All cards must be in op aque sleeves.\n09:30 - Doors Open\, Registration Opens\n10:20 - Tournament Briefing\n10:40 - Round 1\n11:20 - Round 1 Results\n11:30 - Round 2\n12:1 0 - Round 2 Results\n12:20 - Round 3\n13:00 - Round 3 Results\n13:10 - LUN CH\n14:10 - Round 4\n14:50 - Round 4 Results\n15:00 - Round 5\n15:40 - Rou nd 5 Results\n15:50 - Round 6\n16:30 - Round 6 Results\n16:40 - Round 7\n1 7:20 - Round 7 Results\n17:30 - Finalists Announcements and Day 1 Wrap Up\ nSunday\nDouble Elimination top cut\, top 4 or 8\, dependent on number of attendees.\nStartup side-event. Single-Sided Swiss. Number of rounds depen dent on number of attendees.\nTop Cut\n09:30 Registration / Deck Checks\n1 0:00 Round 1 Deck Reviews\n10:05 Round 1\n10:45 Round 1 Results\n10:50 Rou nd 2 Deck Reviews\n10:55 Round 2\n11:35 Round 2 Results\n11:40 Round 3 Dec k Reviews\n11:45 Round 3\n12:25 Round 3 Results\n12:30 LUNCH\n13:30 Round 4 Deck Reviews\n13:35 Round 4\n14:15 Round 4 Results\n14:20 Round 5 Deck R eviews\n14:25 Round 5\n15:05 Round 5 Results\n15:10 Round 6 Deck Review\n1 5:15 Round 6 (50 minutes)\n16:05 Round 6 Results\n16:10 Round 7 Deck Revie w\n16:15 Round 7 (50 minutes)\n17:05 Round 7 Results\n17:15 Day 2 Wrap Up / Prizes\n18:00 Venue Closed\nStartup Side Event\n10:00 - Registration Ope ns\n10:30 - Round 1\n11:10 - Round 1 Results\n11:20 - Round 2\n12:00 - Rou nd 2 Results\n12:10 - Round 3\n12:50 - Round 3 Results\n13:00 - LUNCH\n13: 50 - Round 4\n14:30 - Round 4 Results\n14:40 - Round 5\n15:20 - Round 5 Re sults\n15:30 - Day 2 Wrap Up / Prizes\nVenue\nThe George Williams Hotel is a 5 minute walk from Brisbane City's Queen Street Mall\, and less than 10 minutes' walk from the Roma St and Central train stations. It is wheelcha ir accessible.\nFood and drink are permitted inside the venue\, and there are many options for meals within walking distance of the venue.\nPlease n ote that participants under the age of 18 are welcome but must be accompan ied by a responsible adult.\n\nGett ing Here\nIf you're driving\, you can park at Uptown Brisbane for $11 per day and walk about 5-7 minutes to the venue. Alternatively\, you can use t he parking at 40 Tank Street\, for $27 or $18 (if booked online) per day.\ n\n\nIf you're catching the train\, you can get off at either the Central\, Brisbane or Roma Stre et Stations and walk about 7-10 minutes to the venue.\nOther\nRequirements for Entry\nHere's a list of what you'll need to bring with you in order t o participate in the tournament:\n*Your decks (one Corp and one Runner)\n* Opaque sleeves for your decks\n*Spare sleeves\n*Null Signal Games (NSG) ve rsions (or proxies thereof) of any non-NSG alt-art cards you intend to use \n*Printed decklists (required for the main event and top cut only)\n*Your tokens\n*Proof of ticket purchase\nSleeves\nOpaque sleeves cannot be seen through. NSG published this guide ( ) many years ago illustrating the problem with some sleeves. Please make s ure your cards cannot be seen through your sleeves! If you'd like recommen dations or assistance with acquiring opaque sleeves\, please contact me at and I'll do what I can do to help.\nStaying on the topic of sleeves\, I can't stress how important it is that you bring e xtras! If one of your sleeves breaks or becomes marked in some way during the tournament you will need to replace it or you won't be able to continu e playing.\nAlternate Art Cards\nIf you intend to include alternate art ca rds in your decks which have not been produced by Null Signal Games\, thes e cards must follow the guidelines listed in Appendix III of the NSG Organ ised Play Policies document. You can find the document here: https://nulls\nIf you are not sure wheth er the cards you intend to bring to the tournament will be suitable\, plea se feel free to contact me at with photos of the cards in question\, or make sure you bring an official version (or proxy of an official version) of any such card\, just in case!\nDecklists\nTo pa rticipate in the main event\, you must provide physical decklists which wi ll be kept by event staff for the duration of the tournament. If you are h andwriting your decklist\, it must be legible. Check the guidelines in the Organised Play Policy for more details: rs/organized-play-policies/\nOther Helpful Information\nHere are some link s to some helpful information about attending a Netrunner tournament. The YouTube video is geared towards something much bigger like the World Champ ionship\, but a lot of the advice there is still applicable for a National s-level tournament.\n t-tournaments-besides-playing-netrunner/\n n1x2vcC3spI\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
It is my honour to host the first National Championship ever for Queensland\, in Brisbane. This two-day event will be open to players of all skill levels.
\n$35 gran ts you entry to the events on both days. Purchase tickets online via this link: Australian Nationals North Tickets or at the door on the day.
\ nEntry can also be paid for on the day in cash at the venue. Late arriv als can join but will be required to pay full price no matter what time th ey arrive.
\nStandard format\, Single-Sided Swiss\, 40 minute rounds. Number of rounds dependent on numb er of attendees\, likely 6 or 7. Competitive-tier event rules apply - mean ing decklists are required and alt-art cards must follow the rules outline d in the NSG Organised Play Policies document. All cards must be in opaque sleeves.
\n09:30 - Doors Open\, Registration Opens\n10:20 - Tournam ent Briefing\n10:40 - Round 1\n11:20 - Round 1 Results\n11:30 - Round 2\n1 2:10 - Round 2 Results\n12:20 - Round 3\n13:00 - Round 3 Results\n13:10 - LUNCH\n14:10 - Round 4\n14:50 - Round 4 Results\n15:00 - Round 5\n15:40 - Round 5 Results\n15:50 - Round 6\n16:30 - Round 6 Results\n16:40 - Round 7 \n17:20 - Round 7 Results\n17:30 - Finalists Announcements and Day 1 Wrap Up
\nDouble Elimination top cut\, top 4 or 8\, depe ndent on number of attendees.
\nStartup side-event. Single-Sided Swi ss. Number of rounds dependent on number of attendees.
\nTop Cut\n09:30 Registration / Deck Checks\n10:00 Round 1 Deck Review s\n10:05 Round 1\n10:45 Round 1 Results\n10:50 Round 2 Deck Reviews\n10:55 Round 2\n11:35 Round 2 Results\n11:40 Round 3 Deck Reviews\n11:45 Round 3 \n12:25 Round 3 Results\n12:30 LUNCH\n13:30 Round 4 Deck Reviews\n13:35 Ro und 4\n14:15 Round 4 Results\n14:20 Round 5 Deck Reviews\n14:25 Round 5\n1 5:05 Round 5 Results\n15:10 Round 6 Deck Review\n15:15 Round 6 (50 minutes )\n16:05 Round 6 Results\n16:10 Round 7 Deck Review\n16:15 Round 7 (50 min utes)\n17:05 Round 7 Results\n17:15 Day 2 Wrap Up / Prizes\n18:00 Venue Cl osed
\nStartup Side Event\n10:00 - Registration Ope ns\n10:30 - Round 1\n11:10 - Round 1 Results\n11:20 - Round 2\n12:00 - Rou nd 2 Results\n12:10 - Round 3\n12:50 - Round 3 Results\n13:00 - LUNCH\n13: 50 - Round 4\n14:30 - Round 4 Results\n14:40 - Round 5\n15:20 - Round 5 Re sults\n15:30 - Day 2 Wrap Up / Prizes
\nThe George W illiams Hotel is a 5 minute walk from Brisbane City's Queen Street Mall\, and less than 10 minutes' walk from the Roma St and Central train stations . It is wheelchair accessible.
\nFood and drink are permitted inside the venue\, and there are many options for meals within walking distance of the venue.
\nPlease note that participants under the age of 18 are welcome but must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
\nIf you're driving\, you can park at Uptown Brisbane for $11 per day and walk about 5-7 minutes to the venue. Alternatively\, you can use the p arking at 40 Tank Street\, for $27 or $18 (if booked online) per day.
\ n
\nhttps ://
\nI f you're catching the train\, you can get off at either the Central\, Bris bane or Roma Street Stations and walk about 7-10 minutes to the venue.
\nRequirements for Entry\nHere's a lis t of what you'll need to bring with you in order to participate in the tou rnament:\n*Your decks (one Corp and one Runner)\n*Opaque sleeves for your decks\n*Spare sleeves\n*Null Signal Games (NSG) versions (or proxies there of) of any non-NSG alt-art cards you intend to use\n*Printed decklists (re quired for the main event and top cut only)\n*Your tokens\n*Proof of ticke t purchase
\nSleeves\nOpaque sleeves cannot be seen through. NSG published this guide ( ) many years ago illustrating the problem with some sleeves. Please make s ure your cards cannot be seen through your sleeves! If you'd like recommen dations or assistance with acquiring opaque sleeves\, please contact me at and I'll do what I can do to help.
\nStay ing on the topic of sleeves\, I can't stress how important it is that you bring extras! If one of your sleeves breaks or becomes marked in some way during the tournament you will need to replace it or you won't be able to continue playing.
\nAlternate Art Cards\nIf you int end to include alternate art cards in your decks which have not been produ ced by Null Signal Games\, these cards must follow the guidelines listed i n Appendix III of the NSG Organised Play Policies document. You can find t he document here: ies/
\nIf you are not sure whether the cards you intend to bring to the tournament will be suitable\, please feel free to contact me at jackso with photos of the cards in question\, or make sure yo u bring an official version (or proxy of an official version) of any such card\, just in case!
\nDecklists\nTo participate in the main event\, you must provide physical decklists which will be kept b y event staff for the duration of the tournament. If you are handwriting y our decklist\, it must be legible. Check the guidelines in the Organised P lay Policy for more details: -play-policies/
\nOther Helpful Information\nHere a re some links to some helpful information about attending a Netrunner tour nament. The YouTube video is geared towards something much bigger like the World Championship\, but a lot of the advice there is still applicable fo r a Nationals-level tournament.
\n u-need-to-know-about-tournaments-besides-playing-netrunner/
\nhttps: //