BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4255alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20240502T180000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20240502T235900 URL: LOCATION:333 Divisadero St\, San Francisco\, CA 94117\, USA SUMMARY:May No-Stakes @ Gamescape CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Tournament Details\nIt's time for the next No-Stakes Tournament at Gamescape! The goal is not prestige\, but practice playing in a compet itive setting against the clock\, and a chance to test out whatever decks you've been into\, whether they're on meta or not. This tournament will be very casual\, and a great chance for newer players to get familiar with t ournament rules in a friendly setting. All are welcome\, regardless of ski ll or experience.\nAchievements\nTo keep things spicy\, this time around w e will have achievements to consider while deck-building and competing. T he achievements are as follows:\nAll:\n\nPlay 2 factions you haven’t pla yed in a tournament/ at a no-stakes event\nSpend 20 or more credits in one turn\nWin with 0 credits remaining\nPlay the same operation/ event 4 or m ore times in one game\n\nRunner:\n\nWin by assassination\nWin with no brea kers installed\nSpend 6 or more clicks in one turn\n\nCorp:\n\nDeal more t han 5 damage to the runner in one turn\nFast Advance 3 or more agendas in one game\nHave 3 or more rezzed 7+ cost ice\n\nSchedule\nWe'll start aroun d 6 pm and play 4 rounds of single sided swiss using the standard cardpool . Each round will be 40 minutes long. Feel free to drop in late or drop ou t early as needed. Registration is free.\nThe rough schedule is:\n6:00 - i ntro and announce round 1 pairings\n6:10-6:50 - Round 1\n7:00-7:40 - Round 2\n7:50-8:30 - Round 3\n8:40-9:20 - Round 4\nAt the end of the swiss roun ds\, people can stay and hang out or keep playing until Gamescape kicks us out at 10 pm.\nOther Details\nThis event coincides with our regular Thurs day night meetup\, so all are welcome\, even if you don't want to play in the timed swiss rounds.\nIf you have any questions or want to hang out wit h us online\, join us on discord or slack!\nThis event is graciously hoste d by Gamescape during their TCG Open Play Night. You can check out all the details here.\nA few notes about the venue:\n\nThere's no water available \, so make sure to bring a water bottle.\nOutside food and drink is allowe d so feel free to bring food from home or pick up food nearby on Divisader o.\n\nFor more info on Netrunner around the Bay\, including Learn to Play events\, casual GNKs\, and tournaments\, check out\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Tournament Details


It's time for the next No-Stakes Tournament at Gamescape! The goal is not prestige\, but practice playing in a competitive setting against the clock\, and a chanc e to test out whatever decks you've been into\, whether they're on meta or not. This tournament will be very casual\, and a great chance for newer p layers to get familiar with tournament rules in a friendly setting. All ar e welcome\, regardless of skill or experience.



\ n

To keep things spicy\, this time around we will have achievements to c onsider while deck-building and competing. The achievements are as follow s:



  1. Play 2 factions you haven’t played in a t ournament/ at a no-stakes event
  2. \n
  3. Spend 20 or more credits in one turn
  4. \n
  5. Win with 0 credits remaining
  6. \n
  7. Play the same operat ion/ event 4 or more times in one game
  8. \n


  1. Win by assassination
  2. \n
  3. Win with no breakers installed
  4. \nSpend 6 or more clicks in one turn\n


  1. Deal more than 5 damage to the runner in one turn
  2. \n
  3. Fast Advance 3 or more agendas in one game
  4. \n
  5. Have 3 or more rezzed 7+ cost ice\n



We'll start around 6 pm and play 4 round s of single sided swiss using the standard cardpool. Each round will be 40 minutes long. Feel free to drop in late or drop out early as needed. Regi stration is free.


The rough schedule is:\n6:00 - intro and announc e round 1 pairings\n6:10-6:50 - Round 1\n7:00-7:40 - Round 2\n7:50-8:30 - Round 3\n8:40-9:20 - Round 4


At the end of the swiss rounds\, peop le can stay and hang out or keep playing until Gamescape kicks us out at 1 0 pm.


Other Details


This event coincides with our regular Thursday night meetup\, so all are welcome\, even if you don't want to play in the timed swiss rounds.


If you have any questions or want to hang out with us online\, join us on discord or slack!


This event is graciously hosted by Gamescape during the ir TCG Open Play Night. You can check out all the details here.


A few notes about the v enue:


For more info on Netrunner around the Bay\, including Learn to Play event s\, casual GNKs\, and tournaments\, check out