BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4254alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240525 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240526 URL: SUMMARY:Fly to EMEA #3 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:The last tournament of the Fly to EMEA initiative\nIt's not onl y an occasion to test for the EMEA\, but also a way to rise some fund to h elp the runners in need of some form of economy help to join the continent al championship.\nFormat: Single Side Swiss Standard + Top4 Double Elimina tion\nSubscritions: Fill this Form\nTO: krysdreavus\nStreaming: NSG Twitch \nPlayers meet-up 9.30 UTC +8\nIf someone is interestring ONLY in the part icipation prize\, you can subscribe and write down that you only want the partecipation prize (you can choose also to pay for the pasts prizes of Fl y to EMEA tournament)\nFLY TO EMEA #3 BANLIST UPDATE!\nHello everyone! As you probably saw a new banlist update has been posted.\nYou can see it at this link:\n\nWe org anizers have decided to move ahead and will be using the new 24.05 banlist for the fly to EMEA #3 tournament.\nWe believe it will offer a good oppor tunity to practice in a competitive environment ahead of the 2024 continen tal season.\nWe're looking forward to seeing you at this tournament and at EMEA!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

The last tournament of the Fly to E MEA initiative\nIt's not only an occasion to test for the EMEA\, but also a way to rise some fund to help the runners in need of some form of economy help to join the continental championship.


Format: Sing le Side Swiss Standard + Top4 Double Elimination\nSubscritions: Fill this Form\nTO: krysdreavu s\nStreaming: NSG Tw itch\nPlayers meet-up 9.30 UTC +8


If someone is interestring ONLY in the participation p rize\, you can subscribe and write down that you only want the partecipati on prize (you can choose also to pay for the pasts prizes of Fly to EMEA t ournament)




Hello everyone! As you probably saw a new banlist update has been posted.\nYou can see it at this link:\n

\ n

We organizers have decided to move ahead and will be using the new 24. 05 banlist for the fly to EMEA #3 tournament.


We believe it will o ffer a good opportunity to practice in a competitive environment ahead of the 2024 continental season.


We're looking forward to seeing you a t this tournament and at EMEA!