BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4247alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20240803T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20240804T235900 URL: t-nationals LOCATION:13310 Bel-Red Rd\, Bellevue\, WA 98005\, USA SUMMARY:Cascadia 2024 - US West Coast Nationals CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Welcome (back) to Cascadia!\nThis year we're excited to announc e that Cascadia has been selected as the USA West Coast Nationals by Null Signal's Organized Play!\nCascadia is a premier community run Netrunner ev ent taking place in the Pacific Northwest. This year we're again running t he tournament out of Seattle\, Washington. Mox Boarding house has generous ly agreed to sponsor and host the event.\nThe event will be a two day affa ir. Paper decklists will be required and submitted on the day of the event . Cascadia is part of the NANPC league this year\, which is the North Amer ican Netrunner Players' Circuit. You can find more information (and the ot her events) by following this link.\nTickets\nYou can purchase tickets dir ectly from Mox by following this link.\nFormat and events\nWeekend schedul e\nSaturday\, August 3rd – Standard Event:\n\n10:00 AM – Registration Starts\n11:00 AM – Registration closes\, player meeting\n11:10 AM – 7: 00 PM – Standard Swiss Rounds\n\nSunday\, August 4th – Throwback side event and Standard cut:\n\n10:00 AM – Registration for Throwback starts\ n11:00 AM – Registration closes\, player meeting\n11:30 AM – Standard Cut Begins\n11:30 AM – 5:00 PM – Standard Cut Rounds\n11:00 AM – 7:0 0 PM – Throwback Swiss Rounds\n7:00 PM – 9:00 PM – Throwback Cut Beg ins\n\nStandard event\nDay 1 will be the main standard event\, run in sing le-sided swiss. We are tentatively planning to run 10 rounds of single sid ed Swiss on Saturday. We will be cutting to the top 8 players in the field .\nThrowback event\nThe Sunday side event will be in the Throwback format. Throwback has all the same rules as the standard format\, except a player may include a single playset of a rotated card in each of their decks. A player can also choose to play as a rotated ID instead. A rotated card tha t was BANNED at the time of its rotation cannot be chosen as your throwbac k card. Here is the full ban list:\nCorp\n\n24/7 News Cycle\nBryan Stinson \nCerebral Imaging\nClone Suffrage Movement\nEstelle Moon\nFriends in High Places\nGovernment Takeover\nJinteki: Potential Unleashed\nMumbad City Ha ll\nMuseum Of History\nPreemptive Action\nSensie Actors Union\nTitan Trans national: Investing in Your Future\nViolet Level Clearance\nZealous Judge\ n\nRunner\n\nAaron Marrón\nDDOS\nDorm Computer\nFilm Critic\nGang Sign\nG PI Net Tap\nŞifr\nTemujin Contract\n\nPrizes!\nYou can expect special alt art prizes\, a competitive tournament filled with some of the strongest p layers in North America\, and a great community event. Last year's Cascadi a was a resounding community success\, and we hope you will help us make t his year's the same!\nAdditional info\nWe will be enforcing the unofficial alt art guidelines as outlined in the organized play policy documents. Pl ayers who intend to use unofficial alt arts will need to have their alts c hecked by a judge during registration. If an alt art is deemed not suitabl e for play\, players are responsible for sourcing a replacement card.\nCom e join us in Seattle in the summer. It's lovely.\nKeep your eyes peeled on this page as we update it with more and more tournament info as we come c loser to the day. Register for the event now so we know you're coming!\nTh ank you to Mox Boarding House for sponsoring the event!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Welcome (back) to Cascadia!


This year we're excited to announce that Cascadia has been selected as the USA West Coast Nationals by Null Signal's Organized Play!


Cascadia is a premier community run Netrunner event taking place in the Pacific Northw est. This year we're again running the tournament out of Seattle\, Washing ton. Mox Boarding house has generously agreed to sponsor and host the even t.


The event will be a two day affair. Paper decklists wil l be required and submitted on the day of the event. Cascadia is part of the NANPC league this year\, which is the North American Netrunner Players' Circuit. You can find more information (and the other events) by following this link.


Ticket s


You can purchase tickets directly from Mox by following this link.


F ormat and events


Weekend schedule


Saturday\, August 3rd – Standard Event:


Sunday\, August 4th – Throwback side event and Standard cut:


Standard event


Day 1 will be the main st andard event\, run in single-sided swiss. We are tentatively planning to r un 10 rounds of single sided Swiss on Saturday. We will be cutting to the top 8 players in the field.


Throwback event


The Sunday s ide event will be in the Throwback format. Throwback has all the same rule s as the standard format\, except a player may include a single playset of a rotated card in each of their decks. A player can also choose to play a s a rotated ID instead. A rotated card that was BANNED at the time of its rotation cannot be chosen as your throwback card. Here is the full ban lis t:






Prizes!< /h2>\n

You can expect special alt art prizes\, a competitive tournament filled with some of the strongest players in North America\, and a great c ommunity event. Last year's Cascadia was a resounding community success\, and we hope you will help us make this year's the same!


Additiona l info


We will be enforcing the unofficial alt art guidelines as outlined in the organized play policy documents. Players who intend to use unofficial alt arts will need to have their alts checked by a judge durin g registration. If an alt art is deemed not suitable for play\, players ar e responsible for sourcing a replacement card.


Come join us in Sea ttle in the summer. It's lovely.


Keep your eyes peeled on this pag e as we update it with more and more tournament info as we come closer to the day. Register for the event now so we know you're coming!


Than k you to Mox Boarding House for sponsoring the event!