BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4245alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20240525T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20240525T235900 URL: LOCATION:Gorton St\, Eccles\, Manchester M30 7LZ\, UK SUMMARY:Salford CO 2024 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:THE NEW BAN LIST (24.05) WILL BE IN EFFECT FOR THIS EVENT.\nWel come to yet another Salford Circuit Opener! Our venue will be Eccles RFC\, M30 7LZ (see travel instructions later). Registration will start at 11:30 for a 12:00 start. Lunch at 13:30ish. Swiss and prize-giving should finis h before 18:00. If there are enough numbers for a cut\, it will follow. En trance fee £5\, payable on the day.\nFormat will be (at least) 6 rounds o f single-sided-swiss (SSS). A further cut may happen depending on numbers. Prize support will be the NSG 2024 H1 CO kit (Cat's Cradle mat) plus what ever else I can rustle up. This will be a standard card pool event\, as de scribed on the NSG website\, and following the current Standard Ban List ( 24.05).\nWhat if I don't have all the cards?\nProxies are legal and accept able. NSG cards can be downloaded direct from their website. FFG-era cards are available from If you don't have access to a printer\ , hand-written proxies are acceptable as long as they contain all relevant information and are legible (to be reviewed by TO in advance).\nHow do I get to Salford?\nBy car - We're two minutes from J11 of the M60 with lots of free onsite parking.\nBy rail - Patricroft station (Liverpool - Manches ter line) is a 10 minutes walk away. Salford Crescent station (Preston - M anchester line) is a 15 minutes cab ride\, or you can pick up the 67 or 10 0 bus.\nBy bus - The 10 and 67 go from Manchester Shudehill to the end of the street. The 100 drops you slightly further away but still within walki ng distance.\nBy tram? - Eccles tram stop is about a 30 minutes walk away\ , so not ideal. But you can pick up the buses mentioned above for about fi ve minutes.\nWhat do I eat and drink?\nAsda\, Subway and more are about a 10 minutes walk (or two minutes drive) away. Or you're very welcome to bri ng food with you. WE WILL NOT HAVE FOOD OR DRINK FOR SALE ON SITE ON THIS OCCASION (YES\, I'M SAD ABOUT IT TOO).\nAny other questions?\nPlease email me or tag (@mcg) on Slack or Discord and I'll pick up ASAP.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
\nWelcome to yet another Salford Circuit Opener! Our venue will be Eccles RFC\, M30 7LZ (see travel instructions later). Regis tration will start at 11:30 for a 12:00 start. Lunch at 13:30ish. Swiss an d prize-giving should finish before 18:00. If there are enough numbers for a cut\, it will follow. Entrance fee £5\, payable on the day.
\nFo rmat will be (at least) 6 rounds of single-sided-swiss (SSS). A further cu t may happen depending on numbers. Prize support will be the NSG 2024 H1 C O kit (Cat's Cradle mat) plus whatever else I can rustle up. This will be a standard card pool event\, as described on the NSG website\, and followi ng the current Standard Ban List (24.05).
\nWhat if I don't have all the cards?\nProxies are legal and acceptable. NSG cards can be downloaded direct from their website. FFG-era cards are available from t. If you don't have access to a printer\, hand-written proxies are accept able as long as they contain all relevant information and are legible (to be reviewed by TO in advance).
\nHow do I get to Salford?\nBy car - We're two minutes from J11 of the M60 with lots of free onsite parking.\nB y rail - Patricroft station (Liverpool - Manchester line) is a 10 minutes walk away. Salford Crescent station (Preston - Manchester line) is a 15 mi nutes cab ride\, or you can pick up the 67 or 100 bus.\nBy bus - The 10 an d 67 go from Manchester Shudehill to the end of the street. The 100 drops you slightly further away but still within walking distance.\nBy tram? - E ccles tram stop is about a 30 minutes walk away\, so not ideal. But you ca n pick up the buses mentioned above for about five minutes.
\nWhat d o I eat and drink?\nAsda\, Subway and more are about a 10 minutes walk (or two minutes drive) away. Or you're very welcome to bring food with you. W E WILL NOT HAVE FOOD OR DRINK FOR SALE ON SITE ON THIS OCCASION (YES\, I'M SAD ABOUT IT TOO).
\nAny other questions?\nPlease email me or tag ( @mcg) on Slack or Discord and I'll pick up ASAP.