BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4243alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Detroit:20241110T153000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Detroit:20241110T235900 URL: circuit-opener LOCATION:530 S State St\, Ann Arbor\, MI 48109\, USA SUMMARY:Metro Detroit SSS Startup Circuit Opener CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Welcome to the Metro Detroit Single-Sided Swiss (SSS) Startup C ircuit Opener in 2024.\nEntry Fee: $10 (also accepting via PayPal/Venmo: t vaduva)\n6 person minimum (may be rescheduled if less than 6 are available at the time)\nLocation and Time: Michigan Union\nAddress: 530 S State St\ , Ann Arbor\, MI 48109\nMatches start at 3:30 PM\nI'll also use Aesop's Ta bles for round pairing and possible a small cut (https://www.aesopstables. net/450).\nThis is a Casual Tier event. Tournaments at this tier are welco ming to all players\, regardless of experience level. The focus is on crea ting a fun and friendly environment.\nThis is a Startup Event (using using System Gateway\, System Update 2021\, and Liberation cycle) and Startup B alance Update 24.09:\n\nBANNED: Pharos\, Tributary\, Creative Commission\n Startup Corp deck can only contain a maximum of 3 agenda cards with a prin ted agenda point value of 3 or greater.\n\nWe'll adhere to the most recent NSG Organized Play Policies. The number of players determine the number o f rounds and the top cut according to the rules. It's expected to be six S SS rounds lasting 40 minutes each to determine the winner\, with a possibl e Top 2 cut if needed.\nJoin our Discord to keep up with the local group:\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Welcome to the Metro Detroit Single-Sided S wiss (SSS) Startup Circuit Opener in 2024.
\nEntry Fee: $10 (also ac cepting via PayPal/Venmo: tvaduva)\n6 person minimum (may be rescheduled i f less than 6 are available at the time)\nLocation and Time: Michigan Unio n\nAddress: 530 S State St\, Ann Arbor\, MI 48109
\nMatches start at 3:30 PM
\nI'll also use Aesop's Tables for round pairing and possib le a small cut (
\nThis is a Casua l Tier event. Tournaments at this tier are welcoming to all players\, rega rdless of experience level. The focus is on creating a fun and friendly en vironment.
\nThis is a Startup Event (using using System Gateway\, S ystem Update 2021\, and Liberation cycle) and Startup Balance Update 24.09 :
\nWe'll adhere to the most recent NSG Organized Play Policies. The number of players determi ne the number of rounds and the top cut according to the rules. It's expec ted to be six SSS rounds lasting 40 minutes each to determine the winner\, with a possible Top 2 cut if needed.
\nJoin our Discord to keep up with the local group: