BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4242alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20240518T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20240518T235900 URL: erhood-games-caf LOCATION:210-212 Southwark Park Rd.\, London SE16 3RW\, UK SUMMARY:London H124 CO #2 @ The Brotherhood Games Café CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Announcing the 2nd London 2024 H1 Circuit Opener!\nTicket Link available on The Brotherhood Games's Website\nThe event is capped at 16 Pl ayers so please pre-order your entry to avoid disappointment.\nRegistratio n at 11.30am for a 12.00 start.\nRounds will be dependent on attendance bu t at least 4 rounds with potential for Top 3 Cut.\nEntry will be £12.50\n Prizing will be standard H124 Prizing as well as additional prizing from t he LONDON PRIZE VAULT\nFormat will be standard with 24.03 Banlist.\nhttps: //\nAbout the 24.05 ba nlist announcement: Please note that there is expected to be a Banlist upd ate the week before the tournament. Players are encouraged to build and br ing new-banlist decks to this event\, but decks in the 24.03 banlist forma t will still be tournament-legal.\nPlease note that because the new banlis t will not be in effect yet\, any cards announced as UNBANNED on the new b anlist will still NOT be legal for play.\nVenue is The Brotherhood Games i n Bermondsey\nNearest Stations are Surrey Quays Overground station\, Bermo ndsey on the Jubilee line\, or South Bermondsey via Southern Rail)\nFood w ill be available to order on site\, and there is a selection of takeaway s hops and cafes nearby.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Announcing the 2nd London 2024 H1 C ircuit Opener!


Ticket Link available on The Brotherhood Games's Website\nThe event is capped at 16 Players so please pre-order your entry to avoid disappointment.< /p>\n

Registration at 11.30am for a 12.00 start.

\n< p>Rounds will be dependent on attendance but at least 4 r ounds with potential for Top 3 Cut.


Entry will be £12.50


Prizing will be standard H124 Prizing as well as additional prizing from the LONDON PRIZE VAULT


Fo rmat will be standard with 24.03 Banlist.\nhttps://nullsignal.gam es/players/supported-formats/#standard


About the 24.05 ban list announcement: Please note that there is expected to be a Ban list update the week before the tournament. Players are encouraged to buil d and bring new-banlist decks to this event\, but decks in the 24.03 banli st format will still be tournament-legal.\nPlease note that because the ne w banlist will not be in effect yet\, any cards announced as UNBAN NED on the new banlist will still NOT be legal for play.


Venue is The Brotherhood Games in Bermondsey


Nearest Stations are Surrey Quays Overground station\, Bermon dsey on the Jubilee line\, or South Bermondsey via Southern Rail)


Food will be available to order on site\, and there is a selection of takeaway shops and cafes nearby.