BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4241alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20240921T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20240921T235900 URL: lia SUMMARY:UK Regionals 2024 - East Anglia CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:💪 East Anglian Regionals 💪\nVenue: 6 Hazell St.\, Cambrid ge CB1 2GN\nTicket cost: £15\nLink to buy tickets: https://www.eventbrite tcreator\nWhat are UK Regionals?\nThe UK Regionals are 6 community-run tou rnaments throughout the UK. All run by local TOs and Judges\, we aim to br ing the UK Netrunner community together through local\, competitive events !\nEvent Info\nThis event will be using the Standard cardpool and the most recent banlist at the time of the event.\nExpect to play 7 rounds of Sing le Sided Swiss follow by a single elimination cut to top 8. If you have qu estions about what that means then feel free to send me a message!\nThe fi nal event structure will be based on the number of attendees and could cha nge based on scheduling.\nPrizing\nThere will be exciting prizing on the l ine at Regionals!\n\nWinner: A paid-for invite to UK Nationals!\nTop 8: UK Regionals 2024 'Welcome To Hell' Playmat by Brindlemold\nParticipation: a playset (3x copies) of Brindlemold's Hannah 'Wheels' Pilintra commissione d exclusively for UK Regionals\n\nIf you buy your ticket in advance you wi ll also be entered into a raffle to get a covetted Orca playmat.\nAddition ally there will be prizes available for anyone attending their first ever netrunner tournament.\nVenue &\; Ticket Info\nLink to buy tickets: http s:// 77456887?aff=oddtdtcreator\nIt is important to buy your ticket in advance as this event is liable to sell out!\nThe venue is an 8 minute walk from C ambridge station and has stepless access and gender neutral bathrooms.\nTh e community centre is just off Mill Road which has plenty of cafes and sho ps for you to grab lunch/dinner at.\nThe venue has totally stepless access and the event is ground floor only.\nContact\nIf there's anything we have n't covered\, or you'd like to find out more\, get in touch! The main cont act for this event is @not_yeti on discord or via ema il.\nThe full list of UK Regionals 2024 events are:\n\nSouth West (Bristol 27/7)\nMidlands (Nottingham 10/8)\nSouth East (Aldershot 24/8)\nScotland (Edinburgh 7/9)\nEast Anglia (Cambridge 21/9)\nThe North (Sheffield 5/10)\ n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

💪 East Anglian Regionals 💪


Venue: 6 Hazell St.\, Cambridge CB1 2GN\nTicket cost: £15\nLink to buy ti ckets: ickets-947777456887?aff=oddtdtcreator


What are UK Regional s?\nThe UK Regionals are 6 community-run tournaments throughout t he UK. All run by local TOs and Judges\, we aim to bring the UK Netrunner community together through local\, competitive events!


Eve nt Info\nThis event will be using the Standard cardpool and the m ost recent banlist at the time of the event.


Expect to play 7 roun ds of Single Sided Swiss follow by a single elimination cut to top 8. If y ou have questions about what that means then feel free to send me a messag e!


The final event structure will be based on the number of attend ees and could change based on scheduling.


Prizing \nThere will be exciting prizing on the line at Regionals!


If you buy your ticket in adva nce you will also be entered into a raffle to get a covetted Orca playmat.


Additionally there will be prizes available for anyone attending their first ever netrunner tournament.


Venue &\; Ticket Info\nLink to buy tickets: ner-uk-regionals-east-anglia-tickets-947777456887?aff=oddtdtcreator

\n< p>It is important to buy your ticket in advance as this event is liable to sell out!


The venue is an 8 minute walk from Cambridge station an d has stepless access and gender neutral bathrooms.


The community centre is just off Mill Road which has plenty of cafes and shops for you t o grab lunch/dinner at.


The venue has totally stepless access and the event is ground floor only.


Contact\nIf there 's anything we haven't covered\, or you'd like to find out more\, get in t ouch! The main contact for this event is @not_yeti on discord or ewanmilne via email.


The full list of UK Regionals 2024 events a re: