BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4240alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Warsaw:20240928T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Warsaw:20240929T235900 URL: ip-2024 LOCATION:plac Sławika i Antalla 1\, 40-163 Katowice\, Poland SUMMARY:Polish National Championship 2024 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Hello!\nWe are proud to invite you to the Polish Nationals 2024 \, that will be\, for the very first time\, hosted in Katowice!\n\nWe are working with the lovely crew of Ludiversum to host the Polish Nationals 20 24 during Planszówki w Spodku\, a two-day board game convention hosted in the otherworldly Spodek arena and the neighboring International Conferenc e Centre.\nThe tickets will get you not only a chance to participate in th e Polish Nationals\, but also to enjoy all the other activities\, like a m assive game room and exhibition stands from a plethora of board game publi shers.\nDue to player limit\, please register using the Google Form and yo u will receive payment/ticket info afterwards:\nRegistration and ticket pu rchase info\n07/09 Update - the player limit is 40 people\, and currently we have 28 registered players. The Google Form will be closed on Tuesday 2 4/09 to distribute tickets among the registered players before the event - if there are any tickets left\, it will be possible to contact me directl y and we will arrange something :)\nTickets:\n75PLN - allows entry on both days (Saturday and Sunday) and participation in either Polish Nationals 2 024 (Standard\, Saturday+Sunday) or Circuit Opener 2024H2 Startup side-eve nt (Sunday). Standard players who won't make it to TOP4/TOP8 will be able to join the Startup side-event for 25PLN the next day on-site or explore t he festival if they prefer to :)\n60PLN - allows entry on Sunday only\, an d participation in Circuit Opener 2024H2 Startup side-event\nThere is no n eed to purchase the event entry ticket separately - it will be included in the Polish Nats ticket!\nIn case of any questions\, issues with purchase etc. please contact me directly via e-mail :)\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Hello!\nWe are proud to invite you to the P olish Nationals 2024\, that will be\, for the very first time\, hosted in Katowice!




We are working with the lo vely crew of Ludiversum to host the Polish Nationals 2024 during Planszówki w Spodku\, a two-day board g ame convention hosted in the otherworldly Spodek arena and the neighboring International Conference Centre.


The tickets will get you not onl y a chance to participate in the Polish Nationals\, but also to enjoy all the other activities\, like a massive game room and exhibition stands from a plethora of board game publishers.


Due to player limit\, please register using the Google Form and you will receive payment/ticket info a fterwards:\nRegistration a nd ticket purchase info\n07/09 Update - the player limit is 40 people\ , and currently we have 28 registered players. The Google Form will be clo sed on Tuesday 24/09 to distribute tickets among the registered players be fore the event - if there are any tickets left\, it will be possible to co ntact me directly and we will arrange something :)


Tickets:\n75PLN - allows entry on both days (Saturday and Sunday) and participation in ei ther Polish Nationals 2024 (Standard\, Saturday+Sunday) or Circuit Opener 2024H2 Startup side-event (Sunday). Standard players who won't make it to TOP4/TOP8 will be able to join the Startup side-event for 25PLN the next d ay on-site or explore the festival if they prefer to :)\n60PLN - allows en try on Sunday only\, and participation in Circuit Opener 2024H2 Startup si de-event


There is no need to purchase the event entry ticket separ ately - it will be included in the Polish Nats ticket!


In case of any questions\, issues with purchase etc. please contact me directly via e -mail :)