BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4237alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Tallinn:20240501T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Tallinn:20240501T235900 URL: ener LOCATION:Laki 3\, 10621 Tallinn\, Estonia SUMMARY:Tallinn H1 2024 circuit opener CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Hello there. Are you in Tallinn for reasons and feel like playi ng some netrunner? Then join us FFS!\nWe’d like very much to encourage w hoever is interested in the game to print out something of netrunnerdb\, s leeve it on top of their pokemon\, yugioh or whatever deck and join us.\n\ n\nWhat to expect?\nA friendly tournament\, i.e. a series of games against different "\;people"\; rather than a single game. You get some st uff just by showing up. Amazing. After that\, you play some 4-5 hours and\ , if you do well\, you get even more stuff. It would be exactly as Xmas if I wore red clothes\, which I don't.\n\n\nWhat not to expect?\nPeople that know how to play the game or that stick to water for the duration of the tournament.\n\n\nOrganization of the event\nPretty much none. We play 4-5 rounds of Swiss\, depending on the number of attending players. I doubt w e'll have enough attendees for a top cut\, but we'll do our best to follow the official tournaments structure.\n\n\nThe participation fee is 5 eur f or Aigar (must be given during the greeting handshake) + more moneys to m e to cover the kit cost (60 iirc\, divided evenly among the attending play ers).\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Hello there. Are you in Tallinn for reasons and feel like playing some netrunner? Then join us FFS!


We’d li ke very much to encourage whoever is interested in the game to print out s omething of netrunnerdb\, sleeve it on top of their pokemon\, yugioh or wh atever deck and join us.


The participati on fee is 5 eur for Aigar (must be given during the greeting handshake) + more moneys to me to cover the kit cost (60 iirc\, divided evenly among t he attending players).