BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4228alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Rome:20240628T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Rome:20240628T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Bergamo - Team Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nCome and join us in the Throwback Team Tournament!\nIn this e vent you'll play as team of 3 players in a format called throwback.\nHere are the rules:\n\nEach team is composed of 3 players and each one has to p lay different factions.\nEach deck is composed of standard legal cards\, b ut can contain 1 rotated card (it can be either the id or a card in the de ck).\nEach rotated card must be unique amongst the team\, meaning that eac h deck within the team must have a different rotated card. Check in with y our team mates to make sure you're all playing different rotated cards.\nR otated cards that were once in a banlist can be included. Feel free to fin d the most busted card from the past and bring it to life once again!\nCar ds belonging in a stanrdar legal set\, but currently in the standard ban l ist are still considered banned. Make sure to double check if a card you h aven't seen in a while is still banned or has rotated by now.\nAll cards w ith the subtype "\;current"\; are banned\, even the ones that have been rotated out of standard.\n\nWhen and how\nThe tournament will consis t of 6 rounds of Single Sided Swiss with no top cut.\nThere will be a play er meeting at 10:00 am and the first round will start at 10:30 am\nIf you' re a player looking for a team\, or you're a team that needs one more pers on\, join the event's discord server and find your match: https://discord. gg/T37UwCdCS7\nPrizing\n\nPartecipation: Bahia Bands By Ams.\nTop half: Mi ndscaping by OniDres.\nTop 4: Lazer ID by Jakuza.\nWinners: Deck box by Di cetroyers\n\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



Come and join us in the Throwback Team T ournament!


In this event you'll play as team of 3 players in a fo rmat called throwback.\nHere are the rules:


When and how\n

The tournament will consist of 6 rounds of Single Sided Swiss with no top cut.\nThere will be a player meeting at 10:00 am and the first rou nd will start at 10:30 am


If you're a player looking for a team\, or you're a team that needs one more person\, join the event's discord ser ver and find your match:


