BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4224alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Sydney:20240427T130000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Australia/Sydney:20240427T235900 URL: digal-land LOCATION:17\, 99 Jones Street Corner of Macarthur and Jones\, Ultimo NSW 20 07\, Australia SUMMARY:Behold! A Circuit Opener [Gadigal Land] CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Behold! A circuit opener!\nI am hosting (with much assistance) a standard format circuit opener at Behold Games in Ultimo\, Sydney.\nPlea se come along and jam some standard Netrunner. I have a boosted prize kit as well as some additional prizes including some alt art Behold! discussed below.\nRules for the day\nBehold is only open on Saturday from 1pm til 6 pm\, with functionally no flexibility on this. This means the day is going to run fast.\nRegistration: Register with me\, online\, prior to the even t. Pay $5 (card only!) to Teena @ Behold when you arrive.\nFormat: Standar d\, Single Sided Swiss\, with 40 minute rounds. This should let us squeeze in 5 (or possibly 6) rounds as long as everyone is prompt about their gam e starts and whatnot.\nJudges: I will judge and TO.\nI have probably forgo tten much of what is supposed to go in this description\, please let me kn ow what I can add to this via DM or in the SAU discord.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
I am ho sting (with much assistance) a standard format circuit opener at Behold Ga mes in Ultimo\, Sydney.\nPlease come along and jam some standard Netrunner . I have a boosted prize kit as well as some additional prizes including s ome alt art Behold! discussed below.
\nB ehold is only open on Saturday from 1pm til 6pm\, with functionally no fle xibility on this. This means the day is going to run fast.
\n< p>Registration: Register with me\, online\, prior to the event. Pay $5 (card only!) to Teena @ Behold when you arrive.\nFor mat: Standard\, Single Sided Swiss\, with 40 minute rounds. This should let us squeeze in 5 (or possibly 6) rounds as long as everyone is p rompt about their game starts and whatnot.\nJudges: I wil l judge and TO.\nI have probably forgotten much of what is supposed to go in this description\, please let me know what I can add to this via DM or in the SAU discord.