BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4224alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Sydney:20240427T130000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Australia/Sydney:20240427T235900 URL: digal-land LOCATION:17\, 99 Jones Street Corner of Macarthur and Jones\, Ultimo NSW 20 07\, Australia SUMMARY:Behold! A Circuit Opener [Gadigal Land] CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Behold! A circuit opener!\nI am hosting (with much assistance) a standard format circuit opener at Behold Games in Ultimo\, Sydney.\nPlea se come along and jam some standard Netrunner. I have a boosted prize kit as well as some additional prizes including some alt art Behold! discussed below.\nRules for the day\nBehold is only open on Saturday from 1pm til 6 pm\, with functionally no flexibility on this. This means the day is going to run fast.\nRegistration: Register with me\, online\, prior to the even t. Pay $5 (card only!) to Teena @ Behold when you arrive.\nFormat: Standar d\, Single Sided Swiss\, with 40 minute rounds. This should let us squeeze in 5 (or possibly 6) rounds as long as everyone is prompt about their gam e starts and whatnot.\nJudges: I will judge and TO.\nI have probably forgo tten much of what is supposed to go in this description\, please let me kn ow what I can add to this via DM or in the SAU discord.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Behold! A circuit opener!


I am ho sting (with much assistance) a standard format circuit opener at Behold Ga mes in Ultimo\, Sydney.\nPlease come along and jam some standard Netrunner . I have a boosted prize kit as well as some additional prizes including s ome alt art Behold! discussed below.


Rules for the day


B ehold is only open on Saturday from 1pm til 6pm\, with functionally no fle xibility on this. This means the day is going to run fast.

\n< p>Registration: Register with me\, online\, prior to the event. Pay $5 (card only!) to Teena @ Behold when you arrive.\nFor mat: Standard\, Single Sided Swiss\, with 40 minute rounds. This should let us squeeze in 5 (or possibly 6) rounds as long as everyone is p rompt about their game starts and whatnot.\nJudges: I wil l judge and TO.


I have probably forgotten much of what is supposed to go in this description\, please let me know what I can add to this via DM or in the SAU discord.