BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4215alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Edmonton:20240615T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Edmonton:20240615T235900 URL: 24 LOCATION:1835 10 Ave SW\, Calgary\, AB T3C 0K2\, Canada SUMMARY:West Canadian Nationals 2024 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:🤠Get hootin' on down to Cowtown for Western Canada's Nationa l Netrunner Championship!🤠\n\nThe Worlds Largest Game Store\, The Sentr y Box\, is hosting the event on June 15th 2024.\n\nThis event will be open to players of all skill levels. As per Organized Play rules this is consi dered a Competitive Tier Event\, as such participating players will need t o provide:\n*Decklists (forms will be provided during the registration per iod)\n*Opaque sleeves (\n*Standard legal Decks\nFriday: Pubrunner Night at Stoneyslope Brewing. Bring your ja nk and hygge out with us at Calgary's coziest brewery.\nSaturday: Registra tion starts at 10am\, Single Sided Swiss rounds going from 11am to 6pm\, a nd the top cut going from 6pm-10pm. Meetup afterwards at Tailgunner for a beer?\nSunday: Cube and casual play\, location and time TBD!\nFor ticketin g please register here: ian-nat\nFor more info join the ABRunner Discord: te/7nEeRkjwFX\nGetting there:\nYou can take the CTrain to Sunalta station\ , the store will be 2 blocks away!\nSentrybox has limited parking at the f ront\, more at the back of the building off 10th\, and street parking also works.\n\nLastly but certainly not least\, We've got some astounding artw ork from PiCat\, depicting in part the Three Sisters Mountains in Canmore. \n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
This event will be open to players of a ll skill levels. As per Organized Play rules this is considered a Competitive Tier Event\, as such participating players will need to provi de:
\n*Decklists (forms will be provided during the registration per iod)\n*Opaque sleeves (\n*Standard legal Decks
\nFriday: Pubrunner Night at Stoneyslop e Brewing. Bring your jank and hygge out with us at Calgary's coziest brew ery.
\nSaturday: Registration starts at 10am\, Sing le Sided Swiss rounds going from 11am to 6pm\, and the top cut going from 6pm-10pm. Meetup afterwards at Tailgunner for a beer?
\nSund ay: Cube and casual play\, location and time TBD!
\nFor tic keting please register here: dian-nat
\nFor more info join the ABRunner Discord: X
\nGetting there:\nYou can take the CTrain to Sunalta station\, the store will be 2 blocks away!
\nSentrybox has limited parking at the front\, more at the back of the building off 10th\, and street parkin g also works.
\nLastly but certainly not least\, We've got some astounding artwork from PiCat\, depicting in part the Three Sisters Mounta ins in Canmore.