BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4211alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240420 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240421 URL: SUMMARY:APAC-Based Online H2 CO CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nAPAC-Based Online H2 CO\nREGISTRATION: Tickets must be bought through Eventbrite for paying the entry fee. Click here to visit the Even tbrite page! Contact me if you need to arrange alternate means of payment. \nENTRY FEE: $15 AUD paid using the Eventbrite link above\, or an alternat e arrangement made via DMs.\nRegistration is based on Eventbrite ticket pu rchases (or DM valemtganr on Discord)\, decklists must be submitted before Round 1 commences through the following Google Form: jyHQNhYn2bUogy5\nForget about all those APAC-Cringe Online H2 Circuit Open ers\, this is the APAC-Based Online H2 CO for 2024! Netrunner tournament o pen to players from all regions and at all levels of play. Official start time is 11:00 AEST on Saturday the 20th of April 2024. Check what this is in your personal time zone by using this converter or checking the unix ti mestamp posted in the #online-store-championship-3 channel of the Netrunne r Online Events Discord.\nPlanned structure is single-sided swiss into top cut\, depending on attendance numbers. The tourney will be run via Discor d\, so make sure to join the official Netrunner Online Events server if yo u haven't already over at\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



APAC-Based Online H2 CO


REGI STRATION: Tickets must be bought through Eventbrite for paying th e entry fee. Click here to visit the Eventbrite page!< /strong> Contact me if you need to arrange alternate means of payment.


ENTRY FEE: $15 AUD paid using the Eventbrite lin k above\, or an alternate arrangement made via DMs.


Registration i s based on Eventbrite ticket purchases (or DM valemtganr on Discord)\, dec klists must be submitted before Round 1 commences through the following Go ogle Form: https://forms.g le/WcjyHQNhYn2bUogy5


Forget about all those APAC-Cringe Online H2 Circuit Openers\, this is the APAC-Based Online H2 CO for 2024! Netrun ner tournament open to players from all regions and at all levels of play. Official start time is 11:00 AEST on Saturday th e 20th of April 2024. Check what this is in your personal time zo ne by using this converter or checking the uni x timestamp posted in the #online-store-championship-3 ch annel of the Netrunner Online Events Discord.


Planned structure is single-sided swiss into top cut\, depending on attendance numbers. The to urney will be run via Discord\, so make sure to join the official Netrunner Online Events server if you haven't already over at\n X-MICROSOFT-CDO-ALLDAYEVENT:TRUE DTSTAMP:20250221T181132Z BEGIN:VALARM TRIGGER:-PT480M ACTION:DISPLAY DESCRIPTION:APAC-Based Online H2 CO END:VALARM END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR