BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4205alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Melbourne:20240810T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Australia/Melbourne:20240810T235900 URL: t-tennis LOCATION:L1/278 Collins St\, Melbourne VIC 3000\, Australia SUMMARY:Australian Open Doubles (Not Tennis) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nEntry - $40 per team ($20/person)\nFormat - Standard\nLocatio n - Plenty of Games\nJust like the tennis competition this is called the A ustralian Open\, held in Melbourne\, and it's a doubles tournament… it a lso has a cash prize* (*Terms and conditions apply)\nUnlike the tennis com petition\, we will be doing a Netrunner\nEach team\, consisting of two pla yers\, will have:\n\nA Corp and a Runner deck for each player.\n\nEach Ide ntity must be of a different faction to your teammate.\n\nPlayers may not play their teammate’s deck\, your decks are your own.\nDeck lists will b e collected on the day\nEach team needs a name\, make it good. Or don't... I'm not your dad\n\nFor each round\, once pairings have been decided\, ea ch team will nominate one player to play Corporation and the other player to play Runner. This decision is made before seeing your opponent’s choi ces and all player’s decisions are revealed at the same time.\nTeam memb ers are permitted to talk between themselves and ask for advice\, up until the final 5 minutes of the round.\nThis event will be scored as a Double- Sided Swiss event\, but each player will only play one side… with the te am as a whole providing one zero-to-six point score for each round. This a lso means the event will play out at Single-Sided timings\, with 40 minute rounds.\nTop cut will have open deck lists\nPrizing information in "\ ;Additional Prizes"\; section.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



E ntry - $40 per team ($20/person)\nFormat - Standard\nLoc ation - Plenty of Games


Just like the tennis competition this is called the Australian Open\, held in Melbourne\, and it's a doubles to urnament… it also has a cash prize* (*Terms and conditions apply)\nUnlik e the tennis competition\, we will be doing a Netrunner


Each team\ , consisting of two players\, will have:


For each round\, once pairings have been decided\, each team will nominate one play er to play Corporation and the other player to play Runner. This decision is made before seeing your opponent’s choices and all player’s decisio ns are revealed at the same time.


Team members are permitted to ta lk between themselves and ask for advice\, up until the final 5 minutes of the round.


This event will be scored as a Double-Sided Swiss even t\, but each player will only play one side… with the team as a whole pr oviding one zero-to-six point score for each round. This also means the ev ent will play out at Single-Sided timings\, with 40 minute rounds.


Top cut will have open deck lists


Prizing in formation in "\;Additional Prizes"\; section.