BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4204alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Copenhagen:20240525T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Copenhagen:20240525T235900 URL: p LOCATION:Rådhusstræde 13\, 1466 København\, Denmark SUMMARY:Circuit Opener 2024 - Startup CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:The location will be at Bastard Cafe with registration at 10:00 \, kick-off at 10:30\, and the tournament will end at around 16:00. We wil l make sure to have a good lunch break in between.\nThe price for the even t will be 90kr + coverage of the prize kit (depending on total number of p layers). The price will include 2x Drink Vouchers (tea or coffee\, a bottl e of beer (Carlsberg or Tuborg Classic)\, a bottle of soda or lemonade\, a muffin\, or a cookie).\nWe will do SSS startup format\, and will do a min . of 6 rounds but will add more rounds depending on number of players.\nAl ways be running\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
The location will be at Bastard Cafe with r egistration at 10:00\, kick-off at 10:30\, and the tournament will end at around 16:00. We will make sure to have a good lunch break in between.
\nThe price for the event will be 90kr + coverage of the prize kit (dep ending on total number of players). The price will include 2x Drink Vouche rs (tea or coffee\, a bottle of beer (Carlsberg or Tuborg Classic)\, a bot tle of soda or lemonade\, a muffin\, or a cookie).
\nWe will do SSS startup format\, and will do a min. of 6 rounds but will add more rounds d epending on number of players.
\nAlways be running