BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4198alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20240418T173000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20240418T235900 URL: LOCATION:656 NW 85th St\, Seattle\, WA 98117\, USA SUMMARY:Prep CO @ Thursday meet-up 💯 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:I've set this up as a very low pressure tournament that will be run at our regular Thursday meet up. This is a great opportunity to come try out your new RwR brew with a little higher stakes before the tournamen t Colin and I are running next weekend 4/27!\nCost $0-$10 donation to the Tournament Organizing/Beagle Box fund 🥯\nWe will be running 4-6 rounds of SSS depending on attendance with no top cut.\nFirst round starts at 5:3 0pm\, but you can join the event at any point you'll just be down a couple rounds if you join late 😄\nPrizing will be the 2023 H2 CO kit + one pl ayset of your choice from my tournament alt-art collection to be chosen at registration early bird get's the first choice 😉\nHuge thanks to @Smit tyl for making the kit available for this event ❤️\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

I've set this up as a very low pressure tou rnament that will be run at our regular Thursday meet up. This is a great opportunity to come try out your new RwR brew with a little higher stakes before the tournament Colin and I are running next weekend 4/27!


C ost $0-$10 donation to the Tournament Organizing/Beagle Box fund 🥯

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We will be running 4-6 rounds of SSS depending on attendance with no t op cut.


First round starts at 5:30pm\, but you can join the event at any point you'll just be down a couple rounds if you join late 😄


Prizing will be the 2023 H2 CO kit + one playset of your choice from my tournament alt-art collection to be chosen at registration early bird g et's the first choice 😉


Huge thanks to @Smittyl for making the kit available for this event ❤️