BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:419alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20170219T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20170219T235900 URL: ip-cheltenham-and-gloucester SUMMARY:Proud Lion Store Championship. Cheltenham and Gloucester CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nWelcome to Proud Lion's 2017 Android Netrunner Store Champion ship! This Tournament will be hosted at the Holiday Inn Express in Chelten ham in associations with the folks at\nThe event is open to all Android Netrunner players of any experience level. Players are wel come to bring food\, but all drinks must be purchased from the venue bar ( no outside drinks are permitted).\nThe closest parking is The Brewery Quar ter NCP\, but this is very expensive at £14 for the day. A better option could be the Cheltenham Borough Council-operated High Street car park\, ac ross the road from the hotel where all-day parking is currently £5.50. Op tions further afield include the North Place and Portland Street car parks .\nIf travelling by train\, the venue is a short bus journey away using th e D service from Cheltenham Spa train station. If you get off in the town centre\, you'll find the venue is just a short walk.\nRegistration starts @ 11.00 (in the hotel bar area)\nFirst round begins @ 11.30\nPlease note\, that the Most Wanted List will of course be in effect for this event.\nPr izes include the Store Championship Kit\, and as always the wonderful Netr team will be providing a number of additional prizes! This ad ditional prize support will be tiered depending on number of participants and will be revealed nearer the event.\nTickets are £5 each and are avail able in store at Proud Lion or via the ticket link below. Advance ticket h olders will be entered into an additional prize draw! Prize TBC.\nStore Ch ampionship Kit contains:\nTop 32 - The top thirty-two players will each re ceive a copy of the alternate art card “Pad Campaign” - an easy\, hand s-off investment that can pay for itself…If you can protect it.\nTop 8 - The top eight players will each receive a deckbox to hold your assets and hardware in.\nTop 4 - The top four players will each receive a playmat de picting some Anarchs ready to run amok.\nTop 2 - The top two players will each receive a printed acrylic token to be used with the card "\;Femme Fatale"\;.\nFirst Place - The winner will receive a color printed pla que and a first round bye (not pictured) to a 2017 Android: NetrunnerRegio nal Championship of their choice!\nPlease note that the end time is STC.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



Welcome to Proud Lion's 2017 Android Netrunner Store Championship! This Tournament will be hosted at the Holiday Inn Expr ess in Cheltenham in associations with the folks at

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The event is open to all Android Netrunner players of any experience l evel. Players are welcome to bring food\, but all drinks must be purchased from the venue bar (no outside drinks are permitted).


The closest parking is The Brewery Quarter NCP\, but this is very expensive at £14 f or the day. A better option could be the Cheltenham Borough Council-operat ed High Street car park\, across the road from the hotel where all-day par king is currently £5.50. Options further afield include the North Place a nd Portland Street car parks.


If travelling by train\, the venue i s a short bus journey away using the D service from Cheltenham Spa train s tation. If you get off in the town centre\, you'll find the venue is just a short walk.


Registration starts @ 11.00 (in the hotel bar area)\ nFirst round begins @ 11.30


Please note\, that the Most Wanted Lis t will of course be in effect for this event.


Prizes include the S tore Championship Kit\, and as always the wonderful team will be providing a number of additional prizes! This additional prize sup port will be tiered depending on number of participants and will be reveal ed nearer the event.


Tickets are £5 each and are available in sto re at Proud Lion or via the ticket link below. Advance ticket holders will be entered into an additional prize draw! Prize TBC.


Store Champi onship Kit contains:


Top 32 - The top thirty-two players will each receive a copy of the alternate art card “Pad Campaign” - an easy\, h ands-off investment that can pay for itself…If you can protect it.


Top 8 - The top eight players will each receive a deckbox to hold your assets and hardware in.


Top 4 - The top four players will each rec eive a playmat depicting some Anarchs ready to run amok.


Top 2 - T he top two players will each receive a printed acrylic token to be used wi th the card "\;Femme Fatale"\;.


First Place - The winner w ill receive a color printed plaque and a first round bye (not pictured) to a 2017 Android: NetrunnerRegional Championship of their choice!


P lease note that the end time is STC.