BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4187alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Tokyo:20240602T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Asia/Tokyo:20240602T235900 URL: er-20246 LOCATION:2-chōme-4-3 Inari\, Naniwa Ward\, Osaka\, 556-0023\, Japan SUMMARY:Osaka 2024 H1 Circuit Opener (2024/6) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:2024 H1 Circuit Opener in Osaka @ JIGG Kansai\nWe're hosting a Netrunner Startup tournament at JIGG Kansai\, a board game meetup in Osaka .\nIMPORTANT: If you plan on participating in this tournament\, you will a lso need to RSVP for the JIGG Osaka Game Day at Meetup.\n\nTime: June 2\, 9:30-15:30 (first round at 10:00\, please arrive by 9:50 for the explanati on)\nLocation: Naniwa Kumin Center\nEntry Fee: 500 JPY (JIGG entry) + 1000 JPY (tournament)\, paid separately\nPlayer Cap: 12\nFormat: Startup\nTour nament Format: Single-sided Swiss\, 6 rounds\n\nThe primary prizes will be from the 2024 CO H1 prize kit. There will be more Netrunner and additiona l prizes for people who wish to continue playing after the tournament.\nDe tails in Japanese can be found at twipla (N.B. the canonical attendee list is located here under 参加者 and I will be adding people who register here)\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

2024 H1 Circuit Opener in Osaka @ JIGG Kans ai


We're hosting a Netrunner Startup tournament at JIGG Kansai\, a board game meetup in Osaka.


IMPORTANT: If you plan on participati ng in this tournament\, you will also need to RSVP for the JIGG Osaka Game Day a t Meetup.


Th e primary prizes will be from the 2024 CO H1 prize kit. There will be more Netrunner and additional prizes for people who wish to continue playing a fter the tournament.


Details in Japanese can be found at twipla (N.B. the canonical attendee list is located here under 参加者 and I will be adding people who regi ster here)