BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4184alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20240407T140000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20240407T235900 URL: m3nt LOCATION:18b Hall St\, Birmingham B18 6BS\, UK SUMMARY:Netbrummers Startup Tournam3nt CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:We're back and more Startup than ever with:\nNetbrummers Startu p Tournament 3: Jewellery Quarter Drift featuring Rebellion Without Rehear sal and Knuckles from Sonic The Hedgehog (Dante from The Devil May Cry ser ies was busy)\nA lot of this description is copied from the last event! Wo w! Please help me my thesis is looming\nWhen?: Sunday 7th April\nWhere?: G eek Retreat Birmingham\nWho?: the person reading this\, hopefully\nEntry: £3 (the pair of GNKs only came to £30\, please spend your money on food instead)\nRegistration: 13:45\nRound 1 starts promptly at: 14:00\nFormat: Six rounds of Single Sided Swiss\nThere are a maximum of twenty spaces for this tournament. Please click "\;going"\; so I can keep an eye on numbers.\nJust like last time\, we've got a fun and beginner-friendly tou rnament coming your way\, if your way is Birmingham (or an adjacent region ). We’re gonna be playing six rounds of Single Sided Swiss to determine who is the best Startup player in all of [insert relevant region here depe nding on turnout]\, but more importantly to have a lovely time. It’s goi ng to be very casual\, so should be an ideal space for those of you who’ ve played a few games and are looking for a friendly space for your first tournament.\nHere are the details you need to know!\nLocation\nWe will be at Geek Retreat Birmingham (18b Hall St\, Birmingham B18 6BS)\, which Goog le Maps says is a twenty minute walk from Birmingham New Street station or a short walk from St Pauls tram station. While it’s free to hire tables at the venue (the entry cost is solely to pay for prizes)\, they do not a llow outside food and drink.\nWhen you get there\, go downstairs (that's w here the tables are).\nTimings and Format\nThe event is on Sunday 7th Apri l\, with registration open at 13:45 and round 1 starting at 14:00. This is a little tight\, but Geek Retreat will be closing at 19:00 that day and s queezing six rounds of Single Sided Swiss into that was a challenge. (Sque ezing four rounds of Double Sided Swiss was worse!)\nThe schedule I am aim ing for (I will be flexible if e.g. a bunch of games overrun) is as follow s:\n14:00-14:40: Round 1\n14:45-15:25: Round 2\n15:30-16:10: Round 3\n16:1 5-16:55: Round 4\n16:55-17:30: Break\n17:30-18:10: Round 5\n18:15-18:55: R ound 6\nPrize handouts in the pub afterwards.\nIf we get significantly few er signups than expected\, I may change the format - this will be communic ated clearly on the day.\nThe tournament is in the Startup format\, which means that cards from System Gateway\, System Update\, The Automata Initia tive and Rebellion Without Rehearsal will be legal. At time of writing\, t here is no Startup Banlist.\nPrizes\nThe main prizes for the event are fro m the 2024 Q1 GNK. I have two copies of this\, so top 16 will get a playse t of full art Regolith Mining License and top 8 will get a playset of alt- art Maw. I will also bring my stash so that everyone can get something fro m it - I've got various bits and bobs\, but also the latest CO Kit came wi th two sets of cards from the H1 2023 CO and I only need one set to give t o people who attended the Warwick H1 2023 CO so I have one set spare to gi ve out.\nNew Players\nIf you’re new and nervous about coming to your fir st tournament\, feel free to contact me if you’d like to talk about pick ing decks\, what to expect from the tournament\, printing proxies or anyth ing else about Netrunner. I may be a bit slow to reply but I will get back to you when I can!\nThe Midlands City Grid Discord server (ask for an inv ite) will also be able to help you!\ntl\;dr\nThis is a casual tournament\, sign up if you want a place (limit 20 players)\, £3 entry fee payable on the day\, participation prizes and prizes for winning too.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

We're back and more Startup than ever with:


Netbrummers Startup Tournament 3: Jewellery Quarter Drift featuring Rebellion Without Rehearsal and Knuckles from Sonic The Hedgeho g (Dante from The Devil May Cry series was busy)


A lot of this description is copied from the last event! Wow! Please help me my th esis is looming


When?: Sunday 7th April\n Where?: Geek Retreat Birmingham\nWho?: the perso n reading this\, hopefully\nEntry: £3 (the pair of GNKs only came to £30\, please spend your money on food instead)\nRegi stration: 13:45\nRound 1 starts promptly at: 14: 00\nFormat: Six rounds of Single Sided Swiss\nThe re are a maximum of twenty spaces for this tournament. Please click "\ ;going"\; so I can keep an eye on numbers.


Just like last time\, we've got a fun and beginner-friendly tournament coming your w ay\, if your way is Birmingham (or an adjacent region). We’re gonna be p laying six rounds of Single Sided Swiss to determine who is the best Start up player in all of [insert relevant region here depending on turnout]\, b ut more importantly to have a lovely time. It’s going to be very casual\ , so should be an ideal space for those of you who’ve played a few games and are looking for a friendly space for your first tournament.


H ere are the details you need to know!




We will b e at Geek Retreat Birmingham (18b Hall St\, Birmingham B18 6BS)\, which Go ogle Maps says is a twenty minute walk from Birmingham New Street station or a short walk from St Pauls tram station. While it’s free to hire tabl es at the venue (the entry cost is solely to pay for prizes)\, the y do not allow outside food and drink.


When you get there \, go downstairs (that's where the tables are).


Timings and Forma t


The event is on Sunday 7th April\, with registration open at 13 :45 and round 1 starting at 14:00. This is a little tight\, but Geek Retre at will be closing at 19:00 that day and squeezing six rounds of Single Si ded Swiss into that was a challenge. (Squeezing four rounds of Double Side d Swiss was worse!)


The schedule I am aiming for (I will be flexib le if e.g. a bunch of games overrun) is as follows:\n14:00-14:40: Round 1\ n14:45-15:25: Round 2\n15:30-16:10: Round 3\n16:15-16:55: Round 4\n16:55-1 7:30: Break\n17:30-18:10: Round 5\n18:15-18:55: Round 6\nPrize handouts in the pub afterwards.


If we get significantly fewer signup s than expected\, I may change the format - this will be communicated clea rly on the day.


The tournament is in the Startup format\, which me ans that cards from System Gateway\, System Update\, The Automata Initiati ve and Rebellion Without Rehearsal will be legal. At time of writing\, the re is no Startup Banlist.




The main prizes for the event are from the 2024 Q1 GNK. I have two copies of thi s\, so top 16 will get a playset of full art Regolith Mining License and t op 8 will get a playset of alt-art Maw. I will also bring my stash so that everyone can get something from it - I've got various bits and bobs\, but also the latest CO Kit came with two sets of cards from the H1 2023 CO an d I only need one set to give to people who attended the Warwick H1 2023 C O so I have one set spare to give out.


New Players


If yo u’re new and nervous about coming to your first tournament\, feel free t o contact me if you’d like to talk about picking decks\, what to expect from the tournament\, printing proxies or anything else about Netrunner. I may be a bit slow to reply but I will get back to you when I can!\nThe Mi dlands City Grid Discord server (ask for an invite) will also be able to h elp you!




This is a casual tournament\, sign up if you want a place (limit 20 players)\, £3 entry fee payable on the day\, participation prizes and prizes for winning too.