BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4180alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Copenhagen:20240914T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Copenhagen:20240915T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Danish Nationals 2024 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Experience the exhilaration of the Denmark National Championshi p tournament as you compete for the desired title\, feeling the adrenaline as you make your final run for the winning agenda.\nIn this immersive cyb erpunk world\, the fine line between success and failure is razor-thin. Ev ery decision counts\, as one misstep could be the End of the Line or even a fatal encounter with a devastating Snare!. But fear not\, for the thrill of the game surpasses any risk\, especially during the last click.\nJoin us in Copenhagen\, Denmark from September 13-15\, 2024\, and immerse yours elf in epic Netrunner battles with Friends In High Places to compete\, con nect\, and create unforgettable memories.\nWe will start with a social gat hering at The Irish Pub The Globe near Nørreport St. (Close to metro/S-tr ain)\, where we have a small table from 19:30. The Globe\nThe venue for Na tionals will be: Rosenørns Allé 1\, 1970 Frederiksberg with Registration at 09:30 and kickoff at 10:00. We will be using the most recent banlist & amp\; legal standard cardpool\nFurther details will be updated\, as we get closer to the event\, but save the date.\nHere is the preliminary plan:\n Click 1: Social Meetup on Friday\, September 13th\nClick 2: Standard Tourn ament kicks off on Saturday\, September 14th\nClick 3: Standard Top-Cut Se ptember 15th (if there is a need for it)\nClick 4: Celebration and prize d istribution.\nThe plan for Top-Cut / Day 2 is still being discussed and pl anned\, but watch this space for further updates. If we can have the Top-C ut on Day 1 we will do that\, otherwise we will have Top-Cut on Day 2 in a different location for only those who qualified. There will be no Side-ev ent for Danish Nationals\, due to limitations in planning.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Experience the exhilaration of the Denmark National Championship tournament as you compete for the desired title\, fe eling the adrenaline as you make your final run for the winning agenda.


In this immersive cyberpunk world\, the fine line between success an d failure is razor-thin. Every decision counts\, as one misstep could be t he End of the Line or even a fatal encounter with a devastating Snare!. Bu t fear not\, for the thrill of the game surpasses any risk\, especially du ring the last click.


Join us in Copenhagen\, Denmark from September 13-15\, 2024\, and immerse yourself in epic Netrunner b attles with Friends In High Places to compete\, connect\, and create unfor gettable memories.


We will start with a social gathering at The Ir ish Pub The Globe near Nørreport St. (Close to metro/S-train)\, where we have a small table from 19:30. The Globe


The venue for Nationals will be: Rosenørns Allé 1\, 1970 Frederiksberg with Registration at 09:30 and kickoff at 10:00. We will be using the most recent banl ist &\; legal standard cardpool


Furth er details will be updated\, as we get closer to the event\, but save the date.\nHere is the preliminary plan:\nClick 1: Social Meetup on Friday\, < strong>September 13th\nClick 2: Standard Tournament kicks off on Saturday\, September 14th\nClick 3: Standard Top-Cut September 15th (if there is a need for it)\nClick 4: Celebrat ion and prize distribution.


The plan for Top-Cut / Day 2 is still being discussed and planned\, but watch this space for further updates. If we can have the Top-Cut on Day 1 we will do that\, otherwise we will have Top-Cut on Day 2 in a different location for only those who qualified. Th ere will be no Side-event for Danish Nationals\, due to limitations in pla nning.