BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4174alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20240407T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20240407T235900 URL: -board-game-barrister LOCATION:4912 S 74th St\, Greenfield\, WI 53220\, USA SUMMARY:Standard Circuit Opener at Board Game Barrister CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Wisconsin's first Standard CO of the Rebellion Without Rehearsa l season! Come join us for the new meta at a CO open to all experience lev els at Board Game Barrister- Greenfield.\nOn top of the NSG prizing\, we'r e also offering entry to the Road to Roseville- a free badge for Off the G rid\, one of the longest running tournaments in the community and one of t he events in the newly revitalized NANPC.\nStandard cardpool\, single-side d swiss\, proxies legal\, and open to all players regardless of skill leve l. Brew some jank\, bring a netdeck\, come hang out with players from acro ss the state and play the best dang card game out there.\nCome join us on Discord!\nBGB's event fee is $10\, and usable that day as store credit.\nE vent pairings and results on Aesop's Tables\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Wisconsin's first Standard CO of the Rebell ion Without Rehearsal season! Come join us for the new meta at a CO open t o all experience levels at Board Game Barrister- Greenfield.
\nOn to p of the NSG prizing\, we're also offering entry to the Road to Roseville- a free badge for Off the Grid\, one of the long est running tournaments in the community and one of the events in the newl y revitalized NANPC.
\nStandard cardpool\, single-sided swiss\, proxies legal\, and open to all players r egardless of skill level. Brew some jank\, bring a netdeck\, come hang out with players from across the state and play the best dang card game out t here.
\n\nBGB's event fee is $10\, and usable that day as store c redit.