BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4171alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20240420T104500 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20240420T235900 URL: t-opener-april-2024 LOCATION:61 Tithebarn St\, Liverpool L2 2SB\, UK SUMMARY:Liverpool Netrunner Circuit Opener - April 2024 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Hello everyone! Welcome to the April 2024 Liverpool Netrunner C ircuit Opener!\nThis is a Null Signal Games casual level event with prizes to be won from the 2023 NSG H2 Circuit Opener Kit. As a casual event\, it will be a relatively relaxed environment and ideal for newer/returning pl ayers to experience tournament play for the first time! At all NSG events and any of our weekly meets\, printed proxies are allowed. Decklists are N OT required.\nEntry Fee: £10 (can be paid by cash on the day or through P ayPal)\nPrizes:\nWinner: Invitation to NSG's Circuit Breaker Invitational Championship (if 8+ players attend)\nTop 4: Banner playmat\nTop 8: 3x Mosh ing alt art\nParticipation: 3x Magnet\nFormat: Standard. See https://nulls for full details\nRegistration star ts: 10:05am\nRound 1 starts: 10:45am\nLunch after round 2\nMaximum of 4 do uble sided Swiss rounds with top 4 single elimination cut\nNote: JustPlay only sell snacks now (though they do occasionally have microwave friendly food available). There are a few shops around the area to get sandwiches. I'll check whether food is allowed in store during the break.\n\nIf you ha ve any questions\, please create a post in the event or send an email to l!\nAll attendees are asked to be adhere to th e NISEI code of conduct at all events and meets\, which can be found here:\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Hello everyone! Welcome to the April 2024 L iverpool Netrunner Circuit Opener!


This is a Null Signal Games cas ual level event with prizes to be won from the 2023 NSG H2 Circuit Opener Kit. As a casual event\, it will be a relatively relaxed environment and i deal for newer/returning players to experience tournament play for the fir st time! At all NSG events and any of our weekly meets\, printed proxies a re allowed. Decklists are NOT required.


Entry Fee: £10 (can be pa id by cash on the day or through PayPal)


Prizes:\nWinner: Invitati on to NSG's Circuit Breaker Invitational Championship (if 8+ players atten d)\nTop 4: Banner playmat\nTop 8: 3x Moshing alt art\nParticipation: 3x Ma gnet


Format: Standard. See ted-formats/ for full details\nRegistration starts: 10:05am\nRound 1 start s: 10:45am\nLunch after round 2\nMaximum of 4 double sided Swiss rounds wi th top 4 single elimination cut


Note: JustPlay only sell snacks no w (though they do occasionally have microwave friendly food available). Th ere are a few shops around the area to get sandwiches. I'll check whether food is allowed in store during the break.


If you have any questions\, please create a post in the event or send an email to liverpo!


All attendees are asked to be adhere to t he NISEI code of conduct at all events and meets\, which can be found here :