BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4170alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Stockholm:20240727T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Stockholm:20240728T235900 URL: LOCATION:Nobelvägen 145A\, 212 15 Malmö\, Sweden SUMMARY:Swedish Nationals 2024 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Welcome to the much anticipated Swedish Nationals 2024 in Malm ö! Jack in for a weekend filled with thrilling matches\, fun side events and socialising with fellow Netrunners.\nOverview 🧑🏫\nFriday: Soc ial get-together and drinks.\nSaturday: Main event + Evening event at Pixe l Arcade\nSunday: Main event Top-Cut + Startup casual tournament.\n\nFull Schedule 📆\nFriday\n19:00 kick off the weekend in style with drinks and snacks at a local brewery just a 5 minute walk from the central station.\ nSaturday\n9:30 Registration Opens\n10:00 Swiss rounds\nWe aim to complete all games by 17:00 including a 1h lunch break.\n19:00 - 22:00 Private boo king of Pixel Arcade\, a mix of 80s and 90s arcade and pinball games unloc ked for free unlimited play. Thanks to Perigee sponsorship\, contestants g ain free entry! Limited to first 25 registrations due to venue capacity.\ nSunday\n9:30 Top cut signing in\n9:45 Top cut starts\n10:00 Startup Side Event starts\n15:30 Celebration and prize distribution\nWe aim to complete the event by 16:00 including 1h lunch break.\n\nFormat 📚\nThe main eve nt will be standard format. Deck lists are required and must be submitted on paper on the day. The main event is a ‘competitive’ tier event for the purposes of judge calls and floor rules.\nWe aim to play 6 rounds of Single Sided Swiss\, 40 minutes per round. Optional additional tiebreak ro unds will not be used and the cut will be top 4 double elimination.\n\nSid e Events 🤪\nIn addition to grabbing drinks on Friday and hanging at the arcade on Saturday\, we will run a casual Startup tournament on Sunday fo r those that didn’t make the cut. It will consist of 4-5 rounds of singl e sided swiss mayhem. Registrations will be open on the day of Saturday.\n \nThe Location 📍\nMalmö is a charming seaside city that boasts a multi cultural vibe and a thriving culinary scene\, it’s also a cultural hotsp ot\, buzzing with year round festivals and performances. Malmö Central st ation is barely 30 minutes from Copenhagen Airport Kastrup(CPH).\nThere ar e also multiple trains going every hour around the clock from Copenhagen a nd Copenhagen Airport to Malmö Central for 15€. Train tickets are easie st to purchase from the machines at the stations. More info and also possi ble to purchase online at Skånetrafiken.\nMain event venue Spelens Hus is wheelchair accessible and provides a kitchenette for use as well as snack s and drinks machine. Lots of restaurants are also within walking distance . A short bus ride from Malmö Central station to Värnhem is likely the e asiest way to get there.\n\nRegistration 💳\nFee: 100 Sek / 10 EUR\nPaym ent: Cash or Swish at the door\nPre-register on Aesop's Tables.\nSwedish c ontestants need an MKF membership for venue access\, get it here.\n\nMore Information 🙋\nIf you would like more information or have any questions please feel free to ask in the Swedish Netrunner Discord.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Welcome to the much anticipated Swedish Nat ionals 2024 in Malmö! Jack in for a weekend filled with thrilling matches \, fun side events and socialising with fellow Netrunners.
\nFriday: Social get-together and d rinks.\nSaturday: Main event + Evening event at Pixel Arc ade\nSunday: Main event Top-Cut + Startup casual tourname nt.
\nFriday strong>\n19:00 kick off the weekend in style with drinks and snacks at a < a href=\"\">local brewery just a 5 minut e walk from the central station.
\nSat urday\n9:30 Registration Opens\n10:00 Swiss rounds\nWe aim t o complete all games by 17:00 including a 1h lunch break.
\n19:00 - 22:00 Private booking of Pixel Arcade\, a mix of 80s and 90s arcade and pi nball games unlocked for free unlimited play. Thanks to Perigee sponsorship\, contestants gain free entry! Limit ed to first 25 registrations due to venue capacity.
\nSu nday\n9:30 Top cut signing in\n9:45 Top cut starts\n10:00 St artup Side Event starts\n15:30 Celebration and prize distribution\nWe aim to complete the event by 16:00 including 1h lunch break.
\nThe main event will be standard format. Deck lists are re quired and must be submitted on paper on the day. The main event is a ‘competitive’ t ier event for the purposes of judge calls and floor rules.
\nWe aim to play 6 rounds of Single Sided Swiss\, 40 minutes per round. Optional ad ditional tiebreak rounds will not be used and the cut will be top 4 double elimination.
\nIn addition to gr abbing drinks on Friday and hanging at the arcade on Saturday\, we will ru n a casual Startup tournament on Sunday for those that didn’t make the c ut. It will consist of 4-5 rounds of single sided swiss mayhem. Registrati ons will be open on the day of Saturday.
\nMalmö is a charming seaside city that boasts a multicultura l vibe and a thriving culinary scene\, it’s also a cultural hotspot\, bu zzing with year round festivals and performances. Malmö Central station i s barely 30 minutes from Copenhagen Airport Kastrup(CPH).
\nThere ar e also multiple trains going every hour around the clock from Copenhagen a nd Copenhagen Airport to Malmö Central for 15€. Train tickets are easie st to purchase from the machines at the stations. More info and also possi ble to purchase online at Skånet rafiken.
\nMain event venue Spelens Hus is wheelchair accessible and provides a kitchenette for use as well as snacks and drinks machine. Lots of restaurants are also within walking distance. A short bus ride fro m Malmö Central station to Värnhem is likely the easiest way to get ther e.
\nFee: 100 Sek / 10 EUR\nPaym ent: Cash or Swish at the door\nPre-register on Aesop's Tables.\nSwedish contestants need an MKF membership for venue access\, get it here.
\nIf you would like more information or have any questions please feel fr ee to ask in the Swedish Netrunner Discord.