BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4153alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240518 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20240519 URL: SUMMARY:Online š š - Summer Showdown š š¦ CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:ā”ļø Stream Here!! š„³ š š¦ š\n\nI hope this tourna ment will help people prepare for the upcoming continentals season and/or play creative decks they would like to showcase on the international stage . š I expect this will be another epic netrunner tournament bringing to gether new and old players of all levels for a wonderful day of connecting with friends and hacking servers š„³\nThe event will be using the "\ ;OLD"\; Ban list 24.03! There was a banlist update this morning. Thoug h these changes are exciting and I'm sure there are a lot of players itchi ng to test out this new meta\, I don't think it is reasonable or responsib le for me to adjust the banlist the day before this event.\nGame time Info rmation can be found in the Netrunner events hub discord channel #online-s tore-championship.\nā”ļø Check my timezone Player meeting at 14:00 UTC \ , 10:00am Eastern USA\, 7:00 am PDT\nRound 1 starts 30 minutes later\nā” ļø Buy Your Ticket Here! If you've never played in an online tournament b efore you get a playset of the Alt-art Drafters by Scott Uminga (while my supplies last) š¤©\n\nOptional fundraiser for netrunner travel: There is an option to donate to a travel fund at checkout donations are being split 50% towards my worlds travel and 50% going to the Fly to EMEA Fund. Atien has contributed some EMEA exclusive prizes that will be raffled off durin g each round! Every round you play you will be entered into a drawing for EMEA prizes below. All players will be entered into the raffle (donation n ot required). š š„³\n\nWe will be playing 8 rounds of single sided swi ss in the standard format with a cut to top 4 if we have 16-47 players\, a nd a top 8 cut with 48+ players. This will be a lot of netrunner\, from my experience this is the best way to run a medium - large scale event.\nGam es will be played on I will be coordinating the event through the Null Signal online events hub Discord server. You can join the server here. We will be using the #online-store-championship channel for announc ements.\nI plan to have event streamed\, if you have interest in commentat ing or helping stream please reach out to me on discord!\n\nAffordability My main goal in running this tournament online is to increase the accessib ility of competitive netrunner. I have made an effort to keep the ticket p rice affordable\, but I want to make sure cost isn't a barrier for anyone who would like to join. If you are hesitant to play because of the cost yo u're welcome to use the discount code NETRUNNER4EVERYONE for 100% off th e ticket price ā¤ļø\nUPDATE: Almost all of the free tickets I budgeted f or have been claimed. I added another option for 50% off with the code HAL FOFF. I'm hoping to make sure anyone who wants to play can participate. As of right now either code should work.\n\nAI disclaimer: I "\;created/ designed"\; the used art for the Hagen using generative AI tools. It i s my goal as a TO to run the best possible events in order support our won derful community. Art is a huge part of the community and I am actively se eking out more artist like Lenny and PiCat I can collaborate with for futu re projects. I personally feel very conflicted about generative AI. If you are an artist\, an artist supporter\, or anyone curious to read more abou t my thoughts\, please check out this google doc ā¤ļøš\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
I hope this tournament will help people prepare for the upcoming continentals season and/or play creative decks they would lik e to showcase on the international stage. š I expect this will be anoth er epic netrunner tournament bringing together new and old players of all levels for a wonderful day of connecting with friends and hacking servers š„³
\nThe event will be using the "\;OLD"\; Ban lis t 24.03! There was a banlist update this morning. Though these ch anges are exciting and I'm sure there are a lot of players itching to test out this new meta\, I don't think it is reasonable or responsible for me to adjust the banlist the day before this event.
\nGame time Informa tion can be found in the Netrunner events hub dis cord channel #online-store-championship.
\nā”ļø Check my timezone Player meeting at 14:00 UTC \, 10:00am Eastern USA\, 7:00 am PDT\nRound 1 starts 30 minutes later
\nā”ļø Buy Your T icket Here! If you've never played in an online tournament be fore you get a playset of the Alt-art Drafters by Scott Uminga (while my s upplies last) š¤©
\nOptional fundraiser for netrunner travel: There is an option to donate to a travel fund a t checkout donations are being split 50% towards my worlds travel and 50% going to the Fly to EMEA Fund. Atien has contributed some EMEA exclusive prizes that will be raffled off during each round! Every r ound you play you will be entered into a drawing for EMEA prizes below. Al l players will be entered into the raffle (donation not required). š š„³
\nWe will be playing 8 rounds of single sided swiss in the standard format with a cut to top 4 if we have 16-47 players\, and a top 8 cut with 48+ players. This will be a lot of netrunner\, from my ex perience this is the best way to run a medium - large scale event.
\nGames will be played on I will be coordinating the event thr ough the Null Signal online events hub Discord server. You can join the se rver here. We will be using the #online-store-championship channel for announcements.
\nI plan to have event streamed\, if you have interest in commentating or h elping stream please reach out to me on discord!
\nA ffordability My main goal in running this tournament online is to increase the accessibility of competitive netrunner. I have made an effor t to keep the ticket price affordable\, but I want to make sure cost isn't a barrier for anyon e who would like to join. If you are hesitant to play because of the cost you're welcome to use the discount code NETRUNNER4EVERYONE for 100% off the ticket price ā¤ļø
\nUPDATE: Almost a ll of the free tickets I budgeted for have been claimed. I added another o ption for 50% off with the code HALFOFF. I'm hoping to make sure anyone who wants to play can participate. As of right now either code shou ld work.
\nAI disclaimer: I "\;created/ designed"\; the used art for the Hagen using generative AI tools. It i s my goal as a TO to run the best possible events in order support our won derful community. Art is a huge part of the community and I am actively se eking out more artist like Lenny and PiCat I can collaborate with for futu re projects. I personally feel very conflicted about generative AI. If you are an artist\, an artist supporter\, or anyone curious to read more abou t my thoughts\, please check out this google doc ā¤ļøš