BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4145alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20240330T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20240330T235900 URL: l-gnk-pittsburgh LOCATION:4707 Liberty Ave\, Pittsburgh\, PA 15224\, USA SUMMARY:Rebellion Without Rehearsal GNK - Pittsburgh CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Pittsburgh Netrunners is excited to announce a tournament to br ing in the new Null Signal Games set\, "\;Rebellion Without Rehearsal. "\; We will be\, once again\, at Mimic's Market in Bloomfield! Prize support will be a combination of alternate art cards and store credit. Thi s event is open to all ages and entry fee is $10 per player.\nYou can pay at Mimic's Market on the day of the event.\nThis will be a standard casual tier tournament. You can find Null Signal Games organized play policies h ere:\n nized_Play_Policies_v1.5.pdf\nWe will be using the Standard Ban List 24.03 legal effective current effective on March 30th. More information about t his current list here: 03/.\nParking\nParking is available on the street (Liberty) but you will h ave to re pay every two hours. Residential parking can be found on Cedarvi lle street but your best long term solution is parking in the Friendship/C edarville parking lot.\nIf there are any questions\, please contact the TO \, Marcus Ranii at\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Pittsburgh Netrunners is excited to announc e a tournament to bring in the new Null Signal Games set\, "\;Rebellio n Without Rehearsal."\; We will be\, once again\, at Mimic's Market i n Bloomfield! Prize support will be a combination of alternate art cards a nd store credit. This event is open to all ages and entry fee is $10 per p layer.


You can pay at Mimic's Market on the day of the event.

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This will be a standard casual tier tournament. You can find Null Sign al Games organized play policies here:\n t/uploads/2022/11/Null_Signal_Organized_Play_Policies_v1.5.pdf


We will be using the Standard Ban List 24.03 legal effective current effectiv e on March 30th. More information about this current list here: https://nu


Parking\nParking is available on the street (Liberty) but you will have to re pay every two hours. Residential parking can be found on Cedarville stree t but your best long term solution is parking in the Friendship/Cedarville parking lot.


If there are any questions\, please contact the TO\, Marcus Ranii at