BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4143alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20240407T130000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20240407T235900 URL: erhood-games LOCATION:210-212 Southwark Park Rd.\, London SE1 5BH\, UK SUMMARY:London H124 CO #1 @ The Brotherhood Games CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Announcing the 1st London 2024 H1 Circuit Opener! (Twinned with Norwich)\n(wait\, we're giving them like a whole month's notice...?! I du nno\, mate. Seems sus if you ask me)\nTicket Link is available on The Brot herhood Games's Website Event is capped so please pre-order your entry to avoid disappointment.\nRegistration at 12.00pm for a 13.00 start.\n(Please make sure you've eaten lunch beforehand.)\nRounds will be dependent on at tendance but at least 4 rounds.\nEntry will be £12.50\nPrizing will be st andard H124 Prizing (boosted if over 24 participants) as well as additiona l prizing from the LONDON PRIZE VAULT (TBC)\nFormat will be standard with latest Banlist. Appropriately for the timing\, this will include Rebellion Without Rehearsal.\n tandard\nVenue is The Brotherhood Games (n.b. This is a brand new store\, so different to the venue used for a previous CO - see address tab)\nNeare st Stations are Surrey Quays Overground station\, Bermondsey on the Jubile e line\, or South Bermondsey via Southern Rail)\nFood will be available to order on site\, and there is a selection of takeaway shops and cafes near by.\nTicket Link is available on [The Brotherhood Games's Website]. (https :// 4-h1-circuit-opener-07-04-24-1200/) Event is capped so please pre-order yo ur entry to avoid disappointment.\nAnd finally...\nMayor of Londwich Exclu sive Prizing\nA exclusive bonus prize will be awarded to the player best p erforming player who attends both the Norwich CO as well as the London CO the same weekend.\nWhichever player that attends both events and has the h ighest number of points in total will get a one of the kind (in the UK) 'G ritty Works Project' from East Coast Champs 2023 and will be awarded the t itle of 'Mayor of Londwich'\, along with an exclusive 'Mayor of Londwich' Metal Pin Badge!\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Announcing the 1st London 2024 H1 C ircuit Opener! (Twinned with Norwich)\n(wait\, we're giving them like a whole month's notice...?! I dunno\, mate. Seems sus if you ask me)< /p>\n

Ticket Link is available on The Brotherhood Games's Website Event i s capped so please pre-order your entry to avoid disappointment.


< strong>Registration at 12.00pm for a 13.00 start.\n(Please make s ure you've eaten lunch beforehand.)


Rounds will b e dependent on attendance but at least 4 rounds.


Entry will be £12.50


Prizing will be standard H1 24 Prizing (boosted if over 24 participants) as well as additional prizing from the LONDON PRIZE VAULT (TBC)


Format will be standard with latest Banlist. Appropriately for the timing\, this will include Rebellion Without Rehearsal.\n mes/players/supported-formats/#standard


Venue is The Brotherhood Games (n.b. This is a brand new store\, so different to th e venue used for a previous CO - see address tab)


Nearest Stations are Surrey Quays Overground station\, Bermondsey on the Jubilee line\, or South Bermondsey via Southern Rail)


Food will be available to order on site\, and there is a selection of takeaway shops and cafes nearby.


Ticket Link is available on [The Brotherhood Games's Website]. (https://www.thebrotherhoo 07-04-24-1200/) Event is capped so please pre-order your entry to avoid di sappointment.


And finally...


Mayor of Londwich Exclusi ve Prizing


A exclusive bonus prize will be awarded to the pla yer best performing player who attends both the Norwich CO as w ell as the London CO the same weekend.


Whi chever player that attends both events and has the highest number of point s in total will get a one of the kind (in the UK) 'Gritty Works Project' f rom East Coast Champs 2023 and will be awarded the title of 'Mayor of Lond wich'\, along with an exclusive 'Mayor of Londwich' Metal Pin Badge!

